An EXDATE property defines the dates and the times of the exceptions for a recurring calendar component. When a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 server processes a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) message that contains a recurring iCalendar message part, the server only acknowledges the last EXDATE statement of a multi-line EXDATE property. In other words, the server ignores all previous EXDATE statements. The server also ignores the dates of the EXDATE property when a single-line EXDATE statement contains multiple dates. Therefore, the dates and the times of the exceptions for the recurring iCalendar message are incorrect.
Samples:Multiline EXDATE
EXDATE;TZID=Central Europe Standard Time:20100512T084700
EXDATE;TZID=Central Europe Standard Time:20100612T084700
EXDATE;TZID=Central Europe Standard Time:20100712T084700
In this sample, the VEVENT component in iCalendar contains a multi-line EXDATE statement. Therefore, only the last line of the EXDATE statement is kept.
Single-line EXDATE
EXDATE;TZID=Central Europe Standard Time:20100512T084700,20100612T084700,20100712T084700
In this sample, the comma syntax that separates the date values in the EXDATE statement is interpreted incorrectly. Therefore, the EXDATE statement is discarded.