To resolve this problem, install the following update
972076 Description of Update Rollup 2 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 2
After you apply this update, you can add a key named
MaxFolderItemCount in the Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe.config file. After an Exchange administrator apply this update, the Exchange administrator can add a key named
MaxFolderItemCount in the Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe.config file to set the expected maximum number. After that, if a user tries to open a folder whose item count exceeds the maximum item count that the Exchange administrator have set in the
MaxFolderItemCount key, the Exchange Administrator will receive the following 2103 warning message to find out whose mailbox cause the problem:
Event ID: 2103
Event Type: Warning
Event Source:
User <legacyExchangeDN of
the logon user> is trying to open folder
<Folder name> in mailbox
<legacyExchangeDN of the mailbox mailbox
user>, but the items in this folder have exceeded the maximum
allowed number: <number you set>. The current
number of items is: <real number>.
sample of Microsoft.Exchange.Imap4.exe.config is as following:
<add key=�MaxFolderItemCount� value=�1000� />
Note You have to restart the Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service for the
change to take effect. Use
of the MaxFolderItemCount does not prevent IMAP users from accessing folders
that exceed the MaxFolderItemCount value.