A private message is submitted by a sender who is using an SMTP server, such as a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003-based server. The private message is sent
to an Exchange 2007 recipient whose
mailbox is
configured to forward e-mail messages
to another recipient. In
this scenario, the sender receives a non-deliver report (NDR) from
the Exchange 2007 server. The NDR resembles the following message:
The following recipient(s) could not be reached: �����
<user name> on <date,
time> ����� Unable to deliver the message because the
originator prohibited redirection to an alternate recipient or the message was
encrypted ������<<server name> #5.7.300
smtp;550 5.7.300 RESOLVER.FWD.Blocked; the sender prohibited alt recipient
redirection on this message>
Note To send a private message in the
Outlook client,
you can select
Private from the
drop-down list under
Message Options.