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You receive error messages or warnings when you change an Active Directory schema so that the Company property supports more than 64 characters

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After you change the Active Directory schema to specify that the Company property supports more than 64 characters in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) environment, you cannot set the Company property to more than 64 characters in the Exchange Management Console. If you try to set the property in the Exchange Management Shell, you receive an error message.

For example, you run the following command:
Set-User -identity "<username>" -company "<more than 64 characters>" 
In this example, you receive the following error message:
Set-User : Cannot bind parameter 'Company' to the target. Exception setting "Company": "Company is too long: maximum length is 64, actual length is xx."
At line:1 char:xx
+ Set-User -identity "<username>" -company "<more than 64 characters>"
Additionally, if you modify the Company property of a user to more than 64 characters by using a tool such as the ADSIEdit tool, and then you view the Company property in the Exchange Management Console, you receive the following error message:
The properties on '<user name>' have invalid data. If you click OK, default value will be used instead and will be saved if you do not change them before hitting Apply or OK on the property page. If you click cancel, the object will be displayed read-only and corrupted values will be retained.

The following values have invalid data: Company.
In the Exchange Management Shell, if you try to view a user that was modified so that the Company property uses more than 64 characters, you receive the following warning message:
WARNING: <domain>/<OU>/<user> has been corrupted and it is in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors have occurred:
WARNING: Company is too long: maximum length is 64, actual length is xx.
Note 64 characters is the default value.

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To resolve this problem, download and install Update Rollup 5 for Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1.

For more information about Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1, see the following Exchange Help topic: For more information about how to obtain the latest Exchange service pack or update rollup, see the following Exchange Help topic:Note After you apply this update rollup, the Company property supports up to 256 characters.

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More information

For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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Keywords: KB951710, kbhotfixrollup, kbfix, atdownload

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Article Info
Article ID : 951710
Revision : 3
Created on : 11/12/2008
Published on : 11/12/2008
Exists online : False
Views : 436