"c=us;a= ;p=Exchange;o=Test;"
However, in Exchange Server 2007, a space character is not
permitted in the X.400 address of an administrative management domain
(ADMD). For example, you try to run the following X400AuthoritativeDomain cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell. New-X400AuthoritativeDomain -name "MyAddressSpace" -X400DomainName "c=us;a= ;p=Exchange;o=Test;"
: Cannot bind parameter 'X400DomainName'. Cannot convert value "c=gb;a=
;p=Exchange;o=Test;" to type "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.X400Domain". Error:
"Invalid X.400 domain"
At line:1 char:60
+ New-X400AuthoritativeDomain -name "MyAddressSpace" -X400DomainName <<<< "c=gb;a= ;p=Exchange;o=Test;"
At line:1 char:60
+ New-X400AuthoritativeDomain -name "MyAddressSpace" -X400DomainName <<<< "c=gb;a= ;p=Exchange;o=Test;"