When you run the
Set-AttachmentfilterListConfig command together with the
-ExceptionConnectors option on an Exchange Server 2007-based server,
the command does not run successfully. Additionally, an exception is generated.
For example,
you may run the following command:
Set-AttachmentfilterListConfig -ExceptionConnectors d18f518a-38e3-4349-9697-bc2ac318461f
When you run this command, you receive the following error message:
WARNING: An unexpected error has occurred and debug
information is being generated: Unable to cast object of type
to type
Set-AttachmentfilterListConfig : Unable to cast object of type
to type
'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.ReceiveConnector[]'. At
line:1 char:31 + Set-AttachmentfilterListConfig� <<<<
-ExceptionConnectors d18f518a-38e3-4349-9697-bc2ac318461f
Additionally, the follow event is logged in the Application log:
Event Type:�Error
Event Source:�MSExchange
Event Category:�General
Event ID:�4999
Description: Watson report about to be sent to
dw20.exe for process id: <ID>, with parameters: E12, c-RTL-x86,
<version>, powershell, M.E.Management,
System.InvalidCastException, 4e90, <version>.� ErrorReportingEnabled:
False For more information, see Help and Support Center at