#550 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Deliver: The Microsoft Exchange
Information Store service reported an error. The following information should
help identify the cause of this error:
Event Type: Error Event Source: MSExchangeIS Event Category: General Event ID: 9667 Description: Failed to create a new named property for database "<Storage Group name>\<Mailbox Store name>" because the number of named properties reached the quota limit (8192). User attempting to create the named property: "<name>" Named property GUID: <GUID> Named property name/id: "<ID>"
Event Type: Information Event Source: MSExchangeIS Event Category: General Event ID: 9873 Description: A named property has been created for the database "<legacyExchangeDN of the mailbox store>". ID: <ID> Named property GUID: <GUID> Named property name/ID: <name> The following user is attempting to create the named property: "N/A" Protocol: <protocol name> Client type: Transport Client version: <version number>