When you try to start or exit one of the following 2007
Microsoft Office
applications in Windows Vista, the application may crash:
- Microsoft Office Word 2007
- Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
- Microsoft Office Excel 2007
This issue occurs when the Office application uses an add-in
that is written by Zeon.
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To work around this issue, follow these steps:
- Locate the .dll files of the Office application add-in. To
do this, follow these steps:
Word 2007- In Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click
Word Options.
- Click Add-Ins.
- In the Manage list, click Word
Add-ins, and then click Go.
- In the Add-Ins Available box, locate
Zeon Word Addin, and then note
the path of the ZnWordAddIn.dll file. This path is next to
Excel 2007- In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click
Excel Options.
- Click Add-Ins.
- In the Manage list, click
Excel Add-ins, and then click Go.
- In the Add-Ins Available box, locate
Zeon Excel Addin, and then note
the path of the ZnExcelAddIn.dll
file. This path is next to Location.
PowerPoint 2007- In PowerPoint 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then
click PowerPoint Options.
- Click Add-Ins.
- In the Manage list, click
PowerPoint Add-ins, and then click Go.
- In the Add-Ins Available box, locate
Zeon PowerPoint Addin, and then note
the path of the ZnPowerPointAddIn.dll
file. This path is next to Location.
- Unregister
the .dll files that cause the Zeon add-ins to load in the Office applications. To do this, type the following command
at a command prompt:
/u "Full Path of
the .dll files"
Note The Full path of
the .dll files placeholder is the location
that you noted in step 1.
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The information
and the solution in this document represents the current view of Microsoft
Corporation on these issues as of the date of publication. This solution is
available through Microsoft or through a third-party provider. Microsoft does
not specifically recommend any third-party provider or third-party solution
that this article might describe. There might also be other third-party
providers or third-party solutions that this article does not describe. Because
Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this information should
not be interpreted to be a commitment by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot guarantee
or endorse the accuracy of any information or of any solution that is presented
by Microsoft or by any mentioned third-party provider.
makes no warranties and excludes all representations, warranties, and
conditions whether express, implied, or statutory. These include but are not
limited to representations, warranties, or conditions of title,
non-infringement, satisfactory condition, merchantability, and fitness for a
particular purpose, with regard to any service, solution, product, or any other
materials or information. In no event will Microsoft be liable for any
third-party solution that this article mentions.
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