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You receive an "Error 0x3" error in the Setuperr.log file when you use an Unattend.xml file to install Windows Vista

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When you use an Unattend.xml file to install Windows Vista, the installation may fail. When this issue occurs, an error message that resembles the following may be logged in the Setuperr.log file:
PnPIBS: Error 0x3 occurred while enumerating the files and subdirectories. [gle=0x00000003]

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This issue occurs if the following conditions are true:
  • You specify a path of folder in the DriverPaths element of the Unattend.xml file.
  • The folder that is specified in the DriverPaths element does not exist.

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To resolve this issue, remove the path of the folder in the DriverPaths element of the Unattend.xml file.

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Keywords: kbinstallation, kbexpertiseadvanced, kbtshoot, kberrmsg, kbbug, KB934547

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Article Info
Article ID : 934547
Revision : 4
Created on : 4/13/2007
Published on : 4/13/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 425