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You cannot upgrade a Microsoft Works suite to a 2007 Office suite or program

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When you try to upgrade a Microsoft Works suite to a 2007 Microsoft Office suite or program, the 2007 Office suite or program is not installed.

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This problem occurs if Microsoft Works is not installed in the %programfiles%\Microsoft Works folder. By default, the Compliance Checking program (CCP) searches the %programfiles%\Microsoft Works folder for versions of Microsoft Works that can be upgraded to a 2007 Office suite.

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More information

For a decreased price, Microsoft offers the option to upgrade from certain products that qualify. The CCP is run to verify that a product qualifies for an upgrade to a 2007 Office suite or program. After the product is verified, the Setup program will start.

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Keywords: kbtshoot, kbsetup, kbexpertisebeginner, kbprb, KB928113

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Article Info
Article ID : 928113
Revision : 5
Created on : 10/15/2007
Published on : 10/15/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 533