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You receive an error message when you use Expression Web, SharePoint Designer 2007, FrontPage 2003, or FrontPage 2002 to reverse publish from a remote Web site to a local Web site

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When you use Microsoft Expression Web, Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, or Microsoft FrontPage 2002 to reverse publish from a remote Web site to a local Web site, you receive one of the following error messages.
You specified identical destination filenames for some of the files you are trying to copy. Make sure all destination files have unique names and try again.
The destination web ignores case. The following pairs of names will conflict:
file names listed here
No files were copied. Name all files in your web uniquely and try again
Note This problem only occurs when the remote server is running UNIX.

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The UNIX operating system is case-sensitive. Therefore, a UNIX-based server does not ignore case. Files that have the same name but a variation in uppercase or lowercase letters are considered to be different files. For example, a UNIX-based server considers hello.htm to be a different file from HELLO.HTM or from Hello.htm.

The Microsoft Windows operating system is case-insensitive. Therefore, a Windows-based computer ignores case. For example, a Windows-based computer considers hello.htm, HELLO.HTM, and Hello.htm to all be the same file.

When you publish a Web page from a UNIX-based server to a Windows-based computer, you receive an error message that warns you of the conflict.

Even if you have not changed any file names, you may still experience this problem. This problem occurs on a certain set of server extensions on UNIX-based servers.

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To work around this problem, rename the files on the remote server that have the same names but different combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters. Rename these files to make the file names unique. For example, if you have a file that is named hello.htm and another file that is named HELLO.HTM, rename HELLO.HTM to HELLO2.HTM.

Note If you find several instances of files that have the same file name but one of the file names is in uppercase letters, you can rename all the files that have uppercase letters. Then, you can test the files by browsing several Web pages to make sure that the Web pages that correspond to the files are displayed. After you make sure that the Web pages are displayed, you can delete the duplicate file names.

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Keywords: KB905426, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 905426
Revision : 3
Created on : 5/30/2007
Published on : 5/30/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 410