To work around this behavior, you can create a scheduled
task by using Scheduled Tasks in Control Panel. Alternatively, you can manually create a scheduled task by using the Schtasks.exe
tool. This tool runs the following example batch file at a set time interval:
@echo off
if not (%1)==(low) start /low cmd.exe /c Batch_file_name.cmd low
if not (%1)==(low) goto EXIT
cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\50\bin"
owsadm.exe -o usage -p lm/w3svc/1
owsadm.exe -o usage -p lm/w3svc/2
owsadm.exe -o usage -p lm/w3svc/3
In this example, the Owsadm.exe command-line utility is called three
times to process usage statistics for the Web sites that have the identifier numbers
of 1, 2, and 3. To see the Web site identifiers, follow these steps:
- Start Internet Services
- Click the name of the Web site that you want to examine.
- Read the description of the Web site. The description lists the Web site identifiers.
- Quit Internet Services
For additional information about how to create a
scheduled task in Windows Server 2003, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to use Schtasks.exe to schedule tasks in Windows Server 2003