Run-time error '8020':
Error reading comm device
Error reading comm device
- You have connected to a terminal server by using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 5.2 for port redirection.
- The terminal server is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003.
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Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileSystem As FileSystemObject
Dim oFile As Object
'Make sure that you have the Testfile.txt file on drive C of your computer.
FilePath = "C:\Testfile.txt"
'Create a new FileSystemObject object, and then open the Testfile.txt file for reading.
Set FileSystem = New FileSystemObject
Set oFile = FileSystem.OpenTextFile(FilePath, ForReading)
'Specify the communication port for the MSComm control.
MSComm1.CommPort = 1
Call ReadWrite(oFile, MSComm1)
End Sub
Sub ReadWrite(File As Object, MyPort As MSComm)
'This procedure performs the following tasks:
'1.Configures and opens the MyPort port.
'2.Reads the contents of the File object, and then stores the data in a buffer that is named OutBuffer.
'3.Writes the data from the OutBuffer buffer to the MyPort port.
'4.Reads the data from the MyPort port to a buffer that is named InBuffer.
Dim OutBuffer As Variant
Dim InBuffer As Variant
MyPort.Settings = "57600,N,8,1"
' Configure the port.
MyPort.Handshaking = HANDSHAKING_NONE
MyPort.EOFEnable = False
MyPort.RThreshold = 0
MyPort.SThreshold = 0
' Specify the buffer size.
MyPort.InBufferSize = 1024
' Open the port.
MyPort.PortOpen = True
' Read the buffer and transmit each line over the COM port.
'Read each line of data from the file.
OutBuffer = File.ReadLine
' Configure the port to read the whole buffer.
MyPort.InputLen = 0
' Write the data, and then read it.
MyPort.Output = OutBuffer
InBuffer = MyPort.Input
Loop While (File.AtEndOfStream = False)
' Close the port.
MyPort.PortOpen = False
End Sub
Keywords: KB841700, kbwindowsforms, kberrmsg, kbbug, kbcommport, kbserial, kbwizard