If you try to validate a flat file document with a schema when the first node is named
X12_EnvelopeHeader, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following:
The required "TS834A1__BGN_BeginningSegment" record was not found
in the inbound document. The parser failed to convert the document due to
processing errors. See the following messages for details.
A dialog
box with an error message that is similar to the following is generated in the Microsoft BizTalk Mapper
when you try to use the
Test Map command with a flat file
document and when the first node of the inbound schema is named
Unable to import
native file C:\Native_file\834flat.txt because the
data is corrupt. Choose another file or fix the data in the native
Note C:\Native_file\834flat.txt is a placeholder for the
actual flat file document that you are testing with.
Test Map command is available on the
Tools menu in the BizTalk Mapper.