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The Ink Annotation feature is available in a slide show in PowerPoint 2003 and in PowerPoint 2007

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When you are in a slide show in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 or in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, the Ink Annotation feature is available regardless of whether you are running the Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC edition operating system.

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This behavior occurs because the Slide Show Annotation feature from earlier versions of PowerPoint was replaced by the Ink Annotation feature in Microsoft Office 2003 and in the 2007 Microsoft Office suites.

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More information

The Ink Annotation, Ink Drawing, and "Writing and Ink Comments" features are available only in editing modes in Microsoft Excel, in Microsoft Word, and in Microsoft WordMail when you are using a Tablet PC. To make all the inking features available in PowerPoint 2003 and in PowerPoint 2007, you must run Office 2003 or the 2007 Office suites on a true Tablet PC with the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system.

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Keywords: kbfunctions, kbslideshow, kbsound, kbinfo, kbpending, KB827739

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Article Info
Article ID : 827739
Revision : 3
Created on : 9/12/2011
Published on : 9/12/2011
Exists online : False
Views : 541