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How to publish a SharePoint Designer 2007, an Expression Web, or a FrontPage 2003 Web site to a CD-R or a CD-RW

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This step-by-step article describes how to publish a Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Web site, a Microsoft Expression Web Web site, or a Microsoft Office FrontPage Web 2003 Web site to a compact disc-recordable (CD-R) or a compact disc-rewritable (CD-RW) disc.

If your computer is equipped with a CD recorder, you can back up a SharePoint Designer 2007 Web site, an Expression Web Web site, or a FrontPage Web site to a CD. You may find it convenient to use a CD to back up or to transfer a large Web site.

With many CD recorders, you can prepare a CD-R or a CD-RW disc so that you can copy files directly to the recorder by using a drive letter. Do this in the same way that you copy files to a hard disk, a floppy disk, or a removable drive. You can then use SharePoint Designer 2007, Expression Web, or FrontPage 2003 to publish a Web site to the CD.

Alternatively, you can publish the Web site to your hard disk first, and then use a CD recording program to copy the hard-disk version to the CD.

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Prepare a CD-R or a CD-RW disc for direct file copying

  1. Insert a CD-R or a CD-RW disc into your CD recorder.
  2. Start your CD recording program, and then format the CD so that you can read and write to the CD by using a drive letter. For more information about how to do this, see the documentation that came with your CD recording software.
With Microsoft Windows XP you can save information such as photos and software to a CD without using third-party software. However, because Windows XP does not support packet writing to write and delete individual files on a recordable CD, you must have additional software to create a disk-based Web site on a recordable CD or to publish a Web site directly to a recordable CD by using a drive letter.

Important If you are using a CD-R drive and a CD-ROM, you can copy or publish specific files to a particular folder only one time. If you use this type of drive and media, you must copy or publish your Web site to a different folder on the CD-ROM.

For additional information about how to use a compact disk recorder in Windows XP, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
279157 Description of CD-ROM Recording in Windows XP
306524 HOW TO: Copy Information to a CD in Windows XP
306641 HOW TO: Erase Files From a CD-RW Disc in Windows XP

Publish to a disk-based Web site and copy to CD

You can use the Publish command to create a disk-based copy of a Web site and then use a CD recording program to copy the disk-based version to the CD. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Start SharePoint Designer 2007, Expression Web, or FrontPage 2003, and then open your Web site.
  2. On the File menu, click Publish Site.
  3. In the Remote Web Site Properties dialog box, click File System under Remote Web server type.
  4. In the Remote Web site location box, use one of the following procedures:
    • Type the location of the remote Web site that you want to publish folders and files to.

      For example, type C:\My_Website, or type \\MyNetworkShare\My_Website if the location is on a file server.
    • Click Browse to locate a folder on your hard disk or on a file server.
  5. To configure the properties of the Web site, use either of the following methods:
    • To remove specific types of code from Web site pages as they are being published, click the Optimize HTML tab, and then select the options that you want.
    • To change the default options for publishing, click the Publishing tab, and then select the options that you want.
  6. Click OK.
  7. If you are prompted to create a new Web site, click Yes.
  8. Start your CD recording program, and then copy the Web site to a recordable CD.

    You may also be able to use Windows Explorer to copy the Web site to a recordable CD, depending on the software that you are using. For more information about how to do this, see the documentation that came with your CD recording software.

Publish a disk-based Web site from a CD

You can use SharePoint Designer 2007, Expression Web, or FrontPage 2003 to open a disk-based Web site on a CD and then publish the Web site to the Internet, to an intranet, or to a disk-based Web site. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Insert the CD that contains your Web site into your CD recorder.
  2. Start SharePoint Designer 2007, Expression Web, or FrontPage 2003, and then open your Web site on the CD.
  3. On the File menu, click Publish Site.
  4. In the Remote Web Site Properties dialog box, click File System under Remote Web server type.
  5. In the Remote Web site location box, use one of the following procedures:
    • Type the location of the remote Web site that you want to publish folders and files to.

      For example, type C:\My Website, or type \\MyNetworkShare\My Website if the location is on a file server.
    • Click Browse to locate a folder on your hard disk or on a file server.
  6. To configure the properties of the Web site, use either of the following methods:
    • To remove specific types of code from Web pages as they are being published, click the Optimize HTML tab, and then select the options that you want.
    • To change the default options for publishing, click the Publishing tab, and then select the options that you want.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you are prompted to create a new Web site, click Yes.

Copy a disk-based Web site from a CD to a hard disk

When you copy a disk-based Web site from a CD to a hard disk, you may have to remove the read-only attributes to make any changes to the Web site. To do this, follow these steps.

Note Because there are several versions of Microsoft Windows, the following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, see your product documentation to complete these steps.
  1. Insert the CD that contains your Web site into your CD recorder.
  2. Right-click Start, and then click Explore.
  3. Use a drag-and-drop operation to copy the Web site from your CD to a folder on your hard disk.
  4. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
  5. On the View tab, click to select the Show hidden files and folders check box, and then click to clear the Hide file extension for known file types check box.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Folders list, double-click the folder on the hard disk that contains your Web site.
  8. Double-click the _vti_pvt folder.
  9. Delete any files that end with .lck.

    Note You may have to perform the following additional steps if you are copying a published Web site:
  10. Right-click the Service file, and then click Properties.
  11. Click to clear the Read Only check box, and then click OK.
  12. Right-click the Services file, and then click Properties.
  13. Click to clear the Read Only check box, and then click OK.


  • When you try to save changes that you make to a Web site on your hard disk, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following error message:
    Cannot open file ...\_vti_pvt\service.lck for writing.
    This issue occurs when you open or copy the Web site from a CD-ROM because the .lck files are marked as read-only.

    To resolve this issue and other issues with read-only files, follow these steps.

    Note because there are several versions of Microsoft Windows, the following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, see your product documentation to complete these steps.
    Note you cannot follow these steps on a CD-R because you cannot remove the Read Only setting from files that are on a CD-R. However, you can remove the Read Only setting from files that are on a CD-RW disc.
    1. Right-click Start, and then click Explore.
    2. On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
    3. On the View tab, click to select the Show hidden files and folders check box, and then click to clear the Hide file extension for known file types check box.
    4. Click OK.
    5. In the Folders list, double-click the folder on the hard disk that contains your Web site.
    6. Double-click the _vti_pvt folder.
    7. Delete any files that end with .lck.

      Note You may have to perform the following additional steps if you are copying a published Web site:
    8. Right-click the Service file, and then click Properties.
    9. Click to clear the Read Only check box, and then click OK.
    10. Right-click the Services file, and then click Properties.
    11. Click to clear the Read Only check box, and then click OK.
    Repeat these steps for any subwebs.

    For additional information about the Service.lck file, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    266216 FP 2000: Error Message When Publishing Web: "Server Error: Web Is Busy..."
    303255 FP2000: Error Message Saving Changes to Web: Cannot Open File ...\_vti_pvt\Service.lck for Writing
  • Hyperlinks that are in a Web site that you have copied to a CD may not function as you expect. The browser may not connect to the Web pages that are referred to by the hyperlinks.

    This issue may occur if the hyperlinks contain absolute references that refer to files that reside on the local computer where the Web site was created.

    To resolve this issue, edit the Web site to replace any absolute hyperlink addresses with relative hyperlink addresses. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    301442 Hyperlinks Do Not Function After You Publish the Web
  • When you click the Preview tab at the bottom of the window, or when you click Preview In Browser on the toolbar to preview a Web page that contains a SharePoint Designer 2007, Expression Web, or FrontPage 2003 component, you may receive the following message:
    This page contains elements that may need to be saved or published to display properly.
    SharePoint Designer 2007, Expression Web, and FrontPage 2003 components that interact with a Web server do not function when you create a disk-based SharePoint Designer 2007, Expression Web, or FrontPage Web site. Browse-time components function only when you use a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server and when you have installed the FrontPage Server Extensions. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    206154 Some FrontPage Components Do Not Work on Disk-Based Webs
  • When you try to publish a Web site to a CD that already contains a copy of the Web site, you receive an error message that is similar to the following error message:
    Windows encountered a problem when trying to copy this file. What do you want Windows to do?
    You may also receive a message from your CD recording software that there is not sufficient free space on the CD to copy your files.

    This behavior may occur if the recordable CD does not contain sufficient free space to copy newer versions of files from the updated Web site.

    When you use packet writing software to read and write to the CD by using a drive letter, you can write to each part of the disc only one time. When you copy an updated Web site to the CD, older versions of files are not actually deleted from the CD. Therefore, the newer versions of files require additional space. This behavior occurs because of limitations with CD recorder technology.

    To work around this behavior, publish your Web site to a new, blank CD.

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Keywords: KB825447, kbhowtomaster, kberrmsg, kbwebpublishing

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Article Info
Article ID : 825447
Revision : 5
Created on : 1/24/2007
Published on : 1/24/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 448