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You receive a "To access this site you must use the http://url for the Web server" error message when you try to publish a FrontPage Web site to an IIS subweb

View products that this article applies to.


You use one of the following products to try to publish a FrontPage Web site to an Internet Information Services (IIS) subweb:
  • Microsoft Expression Web
  • Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007
  • Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003
  • Microsoft FrontPage 2002
  • Microsoft FrontPage 2000
When you do this, you may receive the following error message:
The folder "\\Servername\<drive>$\inetpub\wwwrooot\Subweb" is contained by a server-based Web site.
To access this site you must use the http:// url for the Web server.

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This issue may occur if you specify the remote Web site location of the IIS subweb to which to publish your Web site, type the destination path of the site as a disk-based Web target instead of as a URL, and then try to publish the Web site.

For example, this issue may occur if you type the destination path of the Web site in the following format instead of as a URL:

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To resolve this issue, when you specify a remote Web site location of an IIS subweb to publish your Web site to, type the remote Web site location as a URL in the following format:

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Keywords: KB822181, kbprb, kbnofix, kberrmsg, kbwebpublishing

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Article Info
Article ID : 822181
Revision : 6
Created on : 6/12/2007
Published on : 6/12/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 428