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Find and Replace operation replaces text in non-editable regions of Web pages attached to the master page in FrontPage 2003

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When you perform a Find and Replace operation in your FrontPage Web, text in non-editable regions of Web pages that are attached to a master page may be replaced.

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This issue occurs if you specify either All Pages or Open Pages when you perform a Find and Replace operation in your Web site. This issue occurs because the master page has no protected regions. Only the Web pages attached to the master page contain protected regions. Therefore, if the Find and Replace operation generates changes to the master page, non-editable regions of the attached pages may also be updated and changed.

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To work around this issue and prevent changes to non-editable regions on a specific Web page, follow these steps:
  1. Open your Web page that contains non-editable regions in FrontPage.
  2. On the View menu, click Page.
  3. On the Format menu, point to Dynamic Web Template, and then click Detach from Dynamic Web Template.
  4. Click Close in response to the following message:
    (1 of 1) files updated.

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More information

Master-page functionality permits a Web professional to create a Web-page template, or a set of templates, that can be quickly used to build additional pages on a Web site. Master pages also permit the Web professional to lock certain regions of a page so that content providers cannot change or compromise important page code or functionality.

Finally, master pages permit the Web professional to identify regions of Web pages that can be updated dynamically by a content provider or by replicating a change from the master page to all the Web pages that are attached to the master page.

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Keywords: KB817128, kbprb, kbfindreplace

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Article Info
Article ID : 817128
Revision : 7
Created on : 2/1/2007
Published on : 2/1/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 405