1.� Write the batch file that runs LDIFDE against your Active Directory. Save the file as
ExportDL.BAT using a text editor like Notepad. If you�re using Notepad, make sure that the file extension is�
.bat and not�
.bat.txt when you save the file.
@echo off
ldifde -f groups.ldf -d "cn=GroupName1,ou=myOU, dc=mydomain,dc=com" -l member -s mydc1
cscript modify.vbs //Nologo > "GroupName1.txt"
ldifde -f groups.ldf -d "cn=GroupName2,ou=myOU,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -l member -s mydc1
cscript modify.vbs //Nologo > "GroupName2.txt"
ldifde -f groups.ldf -d "cn=GroupNameN,ou=myOU,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -l member -s mydc1
cscript modify.vbs //Nologo > "GroupNameN.txt"
Here the two lines starting with
CSCRIPT are repeated for each distribution group in the active directory.�The example shows how to write the script for distribution groups named
GroupName2 and
GroupNameN, where they represent the display name of the individual distribution groups in Active Directory. In this example, all the distribution groups are placed in the OU named
myOU. If your distribution groups are scattered in separate OUs, take care to give the complete LDAP path in the
�d switch. Also, in this example,�it is�assumed that the Active Directory�domain name as
mydomain.com (represented by
dc=mydomain,dc=com in this code snippet) and the domain controller as
mydc1. You will need to change these parameters in your script to reflect actual values.
The function of each iteration in the batch file is to extract (using
LDIFDE) each distribution group into an LDIF file named
groups.ldf. The
groups.ldf file is a temporary file. The next statement (
cscript modify.vbs) invokes the
modify.vbs script (described below). The
modify.vbs script works on the
groups.ldf file to produce meaningful output.
2.� Write the
MODIFY.VBS file. Again, you can use
Notepad. You may not need to make any changes to the below code. This file opens the groups.ldf file created by
LDIFDE in the batch file you created in step 1. It then extracts only the display names of each member of the group and places it into a new text file. The text file containing the group members is created automatically and is given the name of the distribution group from which the users were extracted. If the file already exists, it is overwritten automatically every time you run the script.
Dim objFileSystem, objInputFile
Dim strOutputFile, inputData, strData, strTemp
' generate a filename base on the script name
strOutputFile = "groups.ldf"
Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
Set objInputFile = objFileSystem.OpenTextFile(strOutputFile, OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING)
' read everything in an array
inputData = Split(objInputFile.ReadAll, vbNewline)
For each strData In inputData
��� if Mid(strData, 1,2)="me" and len(strdata)>10� then
������� strTemp=Mid(strData, 12, InStr(1, strData,",",1)-12)
������� WScript.Echo strTemp
��� end if��
��� if Mid(strData,1,2)=" C" then
������� strTemp=Mid(strData, 5, InStr(1, strData,",",1)-5)
������� WScript.Echo strTemp��
��� end if
Set objFileSystem = Nothing
3. Run the
ExportDL.bat file. Once execution completes, see the folder where you put the above two files. You should see that you have new text files with the names all your distribution groups.