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HOW TO: Correlate Messages with XLANG Schedule Instances by Using a Single Message Queuing Queue

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This article describes how to implement the single-instance correlation that is used in the XLANG correlation sample that is included with BizTalk Server 2002 Software Development Kit (SDK).


Many business processes involve sending a document and waiting for a receipt document. You can use the BizTalk Orchestration Designer to design such a business process and compile it in an XLANG schedule. After you deploy the schedule, several instances of the schedule are likely to be running simultaneously. To make sure that a receipt document is passed back to the schedule instance that sent the original document, you can use XLANG correlation. XLANG correlation is the process of returning a message to a specific instance of a running schedule, or correlating a receipt document back to its originating schedule instance.

In BizTalk Server 2000, you perform XLANG correlation by using what is known as per-instance correlation, where a separate correlation Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ) queue is created for each running XLANG schedule instance. Per-instance correlation has the disadvantage of the overhead that is required to create and maintain a separate Message Queuing queue for each instance of a running XLANG schedule.

In BizTalk Server 2002, you can perform single-instance XLANG correlation, where you only need a single Message Queuing queue to facilitate XLANG correlation.

This article describes the implementation of single-instance correlation as used in the BizTalk Server 2002 Software Development Kit (SDK) XLANG correlation sample. Each orchestration schedule instance is identified with a GUID that is stored in the InstanceID property of the schedule. When you implement XLANG correlation, the GUID that is stored in the InstanceID property is copied in every document that is sent from XLANG. The receiving application then copies this InstanceID in the return receipt document and sends the receipt document back to BizTalk Server. When BizTalk Server receives the receipt document, it sends the document to the single-instance Message Queuing correlation queue with a message label of the InstanceID.

The receive action port for the XLANG schedule is configured in such a way that it picks up messages from the correlation queue whose label matches its own InstanceID and continues processing the document.

There are several variations of this implementation. This article focuses on the XLANG correlation sample that is included with BizTalk Server 2002. This sample uses an encoding pipeline component to copy the XLANG InstanceID property in documents and to retrieve the XLANG InstanceID from the receipt document. This article also illustrates how to modify this sample to perform single-queue correlation without using the encoding pipeline component.

Set Up the XLANG Correlation SDK Sample

The XLANG correlation sample is in the XLANG Correlation directory of the BizTalk Server 2002 CD.

To set up this sample, copy the XLANG Correlation directory from the BizTalk Server 2002 CD to drive C of your BizTalk server, remove the Read Only attribute from the C:\XLANG Correlation directory and its directories, and then run Setup.cmd from the C:\XLANG Correlation\Setup directory.

NOTE: This sample is designed to be copied to and run from the C:\XLANG Correlation directory. If the sample is copied to and run from another location, several scripts must be modified and the XLANG schedules must be changed to reflect the new location.

After you copy and install the XLANG correlation sample, run the sample by copying Po_instance_1.xml from the C:\XLANG Correlation directory to the C:\XLANG Correlation\Store_drop directory. A file receive function picks up the document and hands it off to BizTalk Server for processing. After the document is processed, you see three files under the C:\XLANG Correlation\Store_docs directory.

The XLANG Correlation SDK Sample Schedules

To better understand the business logic used in the XLANG correlation sample, open the Store_instance.skv and Warehouse.skv files that are located in C:\XLANG Correlation\Schedules with the BizTalk Orchestration Designer. These schedules contain workflows for a Store business unit and a Warehouse business unit.

The workflow for the Store_instance.skv schedule is as follows:
  1. Receive PO: Receives a Purchase Order (PO) file. The PO file is the Po_instance_1.xml file that you placed in the C:\XLANG Correlation\store_drop directory.
  2. PO to File: Writes a copy of the PO to a file in the C:\XLANG Correlation\store_docs directory.
  3. Create ShipOrder: Creates a ship order by using the CreateShipOrder() function of the ITransformDoc class in the Store_tranform component. The Store_tranform component can be found in C:\XLANG Correlation\Components\Store\Store_transform.dll.
  4. ShipOrder to File: Saves a copy of the ship order to a file in C:\XLANG Correlation\Store_docs directory.
  5. Send ShipOrder: Sends the ship order to the warehouse.
  6. Get Receipt: Waits for a receipt from the warehouse.
  7. Receipt to File: Saves a copy of the receipt to a file in the C:\XLANG Correlation\store_docs directory.
The workflow for the Warehouse.skv schedule is as follows:
  1. Receive ShipOrder: Receives the PO file from the Supplier business unit.
  2. ShipOrder to File: Stores a copy of the ship order to the C:\XLANG Correlation\Store_docs directory.
  3. Create Receipt: Creates a receipt by using the CreateReceipt() function of the ITransformDoc class in the WarehouseTransform component. The WarehouseTransform component can be found in C:\XLANG Correlation\Components\Warehouse\WarehouseTransform.dll.
  4. Send Receipt: Sends the receipt document to the /Fruitstorereceipts/Biztalkhttpreceive.dll virtual directory of the BizTalk server, which is monitored by an HTTP receive function by the Store business unit.
  5. Receipt to File: Copies the receipt document to a file.

Description of Outbound and Inbound Correlation

XLANG correlation can be broken down in two distinct parts:
  • Outbound adds the InstanceID or GUID to the outbound document and sends the document out to the trading partner.
  • Inbound adds the InstanceID of the original document to the receipt document, sends the receipt document back to the originating trading partner, and processes the receipt document in the originating XLANG schedule.
Both the inbound and outbound correlation processes are discussed in greater detail in this article.

The Outbound Correlation Process in Detail

To more closely examine how the schedule in this sample writes the InstanceID property (which contains the schedule GUID) in the outbound document, double-click the SendShipOrder message in the SendShipOrder port of the Store_instance.skv schedule to start the XML Communication Wizard. In the message type information, you will see that Use Instance ID as Message Label is selected and the message type is __Instance_Id__. This causes the XLANG Scheduler Engine to write the GUID of the running schedule in the SRC_XLANG_InstanceID dictionary key of the outbound message. Then, after the Scheduler Engine hands this document off to the BizTalk Messaging Engine, the value in this dictionary key is written in the outgoing document in the FruitStoreSendShipOrder messaging port as explained below.

After the InstanceID is stored in the SRC_XLANG_InstanceID dictionary key of the outbound document, the document is handed off to BizTalk Messaging and processed by the FruitStoreSendShipOrder channel. The FruitStoreSendShipOrder channel is bound to the FruitStoreSendShipOrder port. The FruitStoreShipOrder port copies the SRC_XLANG_InstanceID dictionary key value in the outbound document by calling the InsertCorrelation() function of the IGetCorrelation class in the FruitCorrelation component. The FruitCorrelation component can be found in C:\XLANG Correlation\Components\Store_correlate\FruitCorrelation.dll. The FruitCorrelation component is called because the FruitStoreShipOrder port specifies an encoding type of Custom, which was specified when the port was created. This detail is not easily seen when you view the user interface. All that you can see in the user interface is that an encoding type of Custom is being used. To see how an encoding type of Custom causes the dictionary value that contains the InstanceID to be copied to the outbound document, open the Btsconfig2.vbs file under the Setup directory that is used to create the messaging objects. Here you will see following line in the Create_lPort160110 function:
You also see the following line in the Create_lChannel180100 function:
channel.SetConfigComponent 3,lPort160110, "{306113A9-48EE-470B-9E8D-C45901FA9D62}"
3 indicates a configuration data type of Encoding, and {306113A9-48EE-470B-9E8D-C45901FA9D62} is the GUID for the IGetCorrelation class of the FruitCorrelation component.

Pipeline components for BizTalk Server can be one of four component types: AIC, Encryption, Encoding, or Signing. Marking this as an Encoding component when you create the port makes it available as the Custom selection from the Encoding Type drop-down list in the Messaging Port Properties pages.

Because the FruitStoreSendShipOrder port is configured to call the IGetCorrelation class of the FruitCorrelation component (through the Encoding type of Custom), when the document reaches the port, the code for this class is run and it is at this point that the dictionary value that contains the InstanceID is copied to the FruitShipReceipt\Tracking\Tracking_ID node of the outbound document. After the InstanceID of the schedule is copied to the outbound document, the FruitStoreSendShipOrder posts the PO to the /Fruitwarehouse/Biztalkhttpreceive.dll virtual directory of the BizTalk server, which is monitored by an HTTP receive function by the Warehouse business unit.

The Inbound Correlation Process in Detail

After the schedule InstanceID has been inserted in the outbound document and the outbound document has been sent to the trading partner (Warehouse), the receiving trading partner must process the document and return a receipt document with the same InstanceID so that the receipt document is processed by the same originating XLANG schedule instance.

The XLANG correlation sample does this as follows:

After the FruitStoreSendShipOrder port copies the schedule InstanceID in the FruitShipReceipt\Tracking\Tracking_ID node of the outbound document, it sends the document to the /Fruitwarehouse/BiztalkHttpreceive.dll virtual directory of the BizTalk server, which is monitored by an HTTP receive function.

The receive function passes the document to the FruitWareHouseReceiveShipOrder channel, which is bound to the FruitWareHouseReceiveShipOrder port.

The FruitWareHouseReceiveShipOrder port passes the document to the Warehouse.skx schedule, which calls the ITransform class of Warehousetransform.dll to create a receipt document that is basically a copy of the original document. This receipt document contains a FruitShipReceipt\Tracking\Tracking_ID node with the InstanceID of the original document.

The Warehouse.skx schedule file passes the receipt file to the FruitWareHouseSendReceipt channel that is bound to the FruitWarehouseSendReceipt port. The FruitWarehouseSendReceipt port then posts the receipt document to the Fruitstorereceipts/Biztalkhttpreceive.dll virtual directory of the BizTalk server, which is monitored by an HTTP receive function by the Store business unit. This receive function passes the receipt document to the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt channel, which is bound to the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt port.

The FruitStoreReceiveReceipt port copies the InstanceID from the FruitShipReceipt\Tracking\Tracking_ID node of the receipt document in the DEST_XLANG_InstanceID dictionary key of the receipt document by calling the Retrievecorrelation function of the IRetrievecorrelation class in the Fruitcorrelation component. This step is similar to the step where you insert the schedule InstanceID in the outbound document in the outbound correlation process. The RetrieveCorrelation function is called because the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt port specifies an Encoding type of Custom, which was specified when the port was created. Again, you cannot see this clearly in the Messaging Manager user interface. You must open the Btsconfig2.vbs file to see how the custom encoding type was specified when the port and associated channel were created. Open the Btsconfig2.vbs file under the setup directory that is used to create the messaging objects and you see following line in the Create_lPort160109 function:
You also see the following line in the Create_lChannel180099 function:
channel.SetConfigComponent 3,lPort160109, "{195554DF-41AD-48F1-9AB2-DD54B2F89C1E}"
3 indicates a configuration data type of Encoding, and {195554DF-41AD-48F1-9AB2-DD54B2F89C1E} is the GUID for the IRetrieveCorrelation class of the FruitCorrelation component.

After the InstanceID is copied in the DEST_XLANG_InstanceID dictionary key of the receipt document, the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt port writes the receipt document in the \private$\FruitStoreReceiveReceipt Message Queuing queue with a message label of Dest_XLANG_InstanceID. The message label is configured as %Dest_XLANG_InstanceID% in the advanced properties of the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt channel.

Now, because the receipt document is written to the \private$\FruitStoreReceiveReceipt Message Queuing queue with a message label of Dest_XLANG_InstanceID, the originating XLANG schedule (Store_instance.skx) knows to pick up this receipt document by using the Receive Receipt schedule port that is tied to the Get Receipt action and to continue processing the receipt document. The Receive Receipt action in the Store_instance.skx schedule is configured to use single-instance correlation because Use a known queue for all instances in the Message Queueing Binding Wizard is selected. The Get Receipt action knows to receive messages that use the InstanceID as the message label because Use Instance ID as Message Label was selected when the XML Communication Wizard for the Get Receipt action was run. The Use Instance ID as Message Label option is not available in BizTalk Server 2000.

It is this option in the BizTalk Server 2002 Orchestration Designer that facilitates single-instance correlation. Without this option, the originating XLANG schedule cannot distinguish between the different messages that are written to the queue. With this option enabled, the originating XLANG schedule waits for messages to be written to the queue with the same GUID as the schedule and processes those.

Perform XLANG Correlation Without Using Pipeline Components

It is possible to modify the XLANG correlation sample to perform receipt correlation without using any custom pipeline components. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Configure the Store_instance.skv schedule to save the InstanceID in the sending document. In the original sample, an Application Integration Component (AIC) is used to save the InstanceID to the Tracking_id fields in the sending document. To configure the Store_instance.skv schedule to do this instead, follow these steps:
    1. Load Store_instance.skv.
    2. Double-click the SendShipOrder message in the SendShipOrder port to launch the XML Communication Wizard for this port.
    3. In the Message Type Information dialog box, click to clear Use Instance ID as Message Label, and then type EFruitShipOrder in the Message type box.
    4. In the Messaging Specification Information dialog box, add /FruitShipOrder/Tracking/Tracking_ID to the message fields.
    5. Switch to the Data view for the schedule.
    6. Drag a line from __Instance_ID__ Constant to the SendShipOrder Tracking_ID.
    7. Save and recompile the schedule.

  2. Configure the FruitStoreSendShipOrder BizTalk messaging port to not use the custom encoding component:
    1. Start the BizTalk Messaging Manager.
    2. Double-click the FruitStoreSendShipOrder messaging port to view its properties.
    3. In the Security Information dialog box, click to select None for the Encoding Type.

      NOTE: After this step is performed, the only way to add the Custom encoding type back to the port is by re-running the sample setup scripts. This is because an encoding type of Custom can only be added to a messaging port programmatically through the BizTalk Object Model.
    4. Click Finish to save changes to the port.

  3. Configure the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt BizTalk messaging port to not use the custom encoding component:
    1. Start the BizTalk Messaging Manager.
    2. Double-click the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt messaging port to view its properties.
    3. In the Security Information dialog box, click to select None for the Encoding Type.
    4. Click Finish to save changes to the port.

  4. Add the DEST_XLANG_InstanceID to the receipt document to map the tracking ID:
    1. Start the BizTalk Editor.
    2. Open Fruitreceipt.xml in the BizTalk Repository.
    3. Expand and then click to select FruitShipReceipt/Tracking/Tracking_ID.
    4. Switch to the Dictionary tab.
    5. Add a dictionary key with the name DEST_XLANG_InstanceID.
    6. Click to select the check box in the front of the key to map it to the FruitShipReceipt/Tracking/Tracking_ID node.
    7. Store Fruitreceipt.xml to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) to save the changes.

  5. Refresh the EFruitReceipt document definition:
    1. Start the BizTalk Messaging Manager.
    2. Double-click the EFruitReceipt document definition.
    3. Click OK.
    NOTE: Although the name and the path of the schema file have not changed, you must open the document definition and save it to update the cache.

  6. Refresh the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt channel:
    1. Start the BizTalk Messaging Manager.
    2. Double-click the FruitStoreReceiveReceipt channel.
    3. In the Advanced Configuration dialog box, make sure that the message label for the primary transport is configured as %DEST_XLANG_InstanceID%.
    4. Click Finish to save the changes to the channel.
  7. Copy one of the Po_instance_x.xml files in the Store_drop directory and monitor the Store_docs directory for output files to verify that these changes are successful.

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For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
312723� INFO: XLANG Correlation Does Not Work with XLANG Receive Actions That Are Bound to BizTalk Messaging

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Keywords: KB321413, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 321413
Revision : 6
Created on : 11/18/2005
Published on : 11/18/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 547