The solution that is described in this article works for
any Web server that can handle Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV). You
use the Active Server Pages (ASP) script that follows only to parse user names
and then to make sure that the files that you upload save in the correct user
directory with a name that matches the user name.
If your server cannot
handle ASP pages, you must modify the HTML that follows so that the target
directory name is hardcoded. Then you need no ASP script.
Steps to Upload Files
- Create a virtual directory on the Web server. Allow write
permission. You can also create a subdirectory for each user who is authorized
to upload files. The following script uses this directory to upload files for
authenticated users.
- Save the following file on the server as an ASP
- You can also configure the file so that it is password
protected. This permits different users to upload files and then to save them
in corresponding directories.
A {behavior: url(#default#AnchorClick);}
<TITLE>Upload Page</TITLE>
<h1> Welcome to upload page </h1>
On this page you can upload files to the Web server. Click link
below andrea drag files to the page.
Dim Url
Dim UserDir
' modify next line to specify dir containing user sub-dirs, i.e.
' actual user directory will be /upload/users/LeonBr
' LeonBr part will come from authenticated user.
UserDir = "/upload/users"
' User will look like this DOMAIN\leonbr
' we only need user name
UseNameNotParsed = Request.ServerVariables ("AUTH_USER")
StrSize = Len (UseNameNotParsed)
SlashPos = InStr (UseNameNotParsed, "\")
UserName = Right (UseNameNotParsed, StrSize-SlashPos)
Url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables ("SERVER_NAME") & UserDir & "/" & UserName%>
<A HREF = "<%=Url%>" FOLDER = "<%=Url%>"> Upload to Web Folder</a>
IMPORTANT You must grant virtual directory /upload/users at least
read/write permissions. When you configure a virtual directory to upload files,
you can introduce a security hole because users can upload malicious files and
then can run them.
If this virtual directory has execute permissions
or if it has any
App Mappings properties for scripts, you cannot upload executable files or
scripts with mapped extensions. This is because the
Head request that the browser uses fails.