Consider the following scenario:
- You deploy different cumulative updates for Microsoft Exchange servers in an Exchange Server 2013 environment.
- You configure a load balancer that doesn't use session affinity for HTTP and a namespace for PowerShell.
- You use the following Exchange Management Shell to create remote PowerShell sessions across the load balancer:
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
New-PSSession : [] Processing data from remote server failed with the following error message: [ClientAccessServer=Server1,, RequestId=IDNumber, TimeStamp=Date/Time] [FailureCategory=WSMan-InvalidShellID] The request for the Windows Remote Shell with ShellId ShellIDNumner failed because the shell was not found on the server.Possible causes are: the specified ShellId is incorrect or the shell no longer exists on the server. Provide the correct ShellId or create a new shell and retry the operation. For more information, see the bout_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.