To send a meeting request with WebDAV, a meeting request
associated appointment item and a meeting request message must be created using
PROPPATCH verb. The meeting request associated appointment item is created
first in the meeting organizer's Calendar folder. This appointment contains a
urn:schemas:calendar:uid property. The meeting request message is created in the meeting
organizer's Calendar folder as well, with the same value for
urn:schemas:calendar:uid as in the meeting associated appointment item. The meeting
request message is then moved to the meeting organizer's mail submission URI
using the
MOVE verb to submit the meeting request to all attendees.
use this code sample, follow these steps:
1. | In Visual Basic, create a new Standard EXE
project. |
2. | Add a button to the default form and name it
"SendRequest". |
3. | Paste the following code into the view code window:
Private Sub SendRequest_Click()
Dim strApptURL As String
Dim strMeetingURL As String
Dim strSubmissionURL As String
Dim strExServer As String
Dim strMailbox As String
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strApptItem As String
Dim strMeetingItem As String
Dim strPassWord As String
Dim strXMLNSInfo As String
Dim strApptRequest As String
Dim strUIDRequest As String
Dim strUID As String
Dim bResult As Boolean
' TODO: Replace with your server name.
strExServer = "MyServer"
' TODO: Replace with your mailbox name.
strMailbox = "Administrator"
strFolder = "Calendar"
strApptItem = "meetappt.eml"
strMeetingItem = "meetappt2.eml"
strPassWord = "password"
strApptURL = "http://" & strExServer & "/exchange/" & _
strMailbox & "/" & strFolder & "/" & strApptItem
strMeetingURL = "http://" & strExServer & "/exchange/" & _
strMailbox & "/" & strFolder & "/" & strMeetingItem
strSubmissionURL = "http://" & strExServer & "/exchange/" & _
strMailbox & "/##DavMailSubmissionURI##/"
strXMLNSInfo = "xmlns:g=""DAV:"" " & _
"xmlns:e="""" " & _
"xmlns:mapi="""" " & _
"xmlns:mapit="""" " & _
"xmlns:x=""xml:"" xmlns:cal=""urn:schemas:calendar:"" " & _
"xmlns:dt=""urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/"" " & _
"xmlns:header=""urn:schemas:mailheader:"" " & _
' Calendar item properties.
strCalInfo = "<cal:location>meetappt Location</cal:location>" & _
"<cal:dtstart dt:dt="""">2001-09-22T22:00:00.000Z</cal:dtstart>" & _
"<cal:dtend dt:dt="""">2001-09-22T22:30:00.000Z</cal:dtend>" & _
"<cal:instancetype dt:dt=""int"">0</cal:instancetype>" & _
"<cal:busystatus>BUSY</cal:busystatus>" & _
"<cal:meetingstatus>CONFIRMED</cal:meetingstatus>" & _
"<cal:alldayevent dt:dt=""boolean"">0</cal:alldayevent>" & _
"<cal:responserequested dt:dt=""boolean"">1</cal:responserequested>"
' urn:schemas:mailheader:to Required Attendee
' urn:schemas:mailheader:cc Optional Attendee
' urn:schemas:mailheader:bcc Resource
' TODO: Replace the value to fit your environment.
strHeaderInfo = "<header:to></header:to>" & _
"<header:cc></header:cc>" & _
strMailInfo = "<mail:subject>meetappt Subject</mail:subject>" & _
"<mail:htmldescription>Let's meet here</mail:htmldescription>"
strApptRequest = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>" & _
"<g:propertyupdate " & strXMLNSInfo & _
"<g:set>" & _
"<g:prop>" & _
"<g:contentclass>urn:content-classes:appointment</g:contentclass>" & _
"<e:outlookmessageclass>IPM.Appointment</e:outlookmessageclass>" & _
strMailInfo & _
strCalInfo & _
strHeaderInfo & _
"<mapi:finvited dt:dt=""boolean"">1</mapi:finvited>" & _
"</g:prop>" & _
"</g:set>" & _
bResult = False
' Create meeting associated appointment in calendar.
bResult = CreateMeetingAppointment(strApptURL, _
strApptRequest, _
strMailbox, _
If bResult Then
MsgBox "Successfully create the meeting appointment!"
strUIDRequest = "<?xml version='1.0'?>" & _
"<a:propfind xmlns:a='DAV:'>" & _
"<a:prop xmlns:uid='urn:schemas:calendar:'>" & _
"<uid:uid/>" & _
"</a:prop>" & _
' urn:schemas:calendar:uid needs to be copied over to meeting request.
strUID = FindAppointmentUID(strApptURL, _
strUIDRequest, _
strMailbox, _
If strUID <> "" Then
bResult = False
' Meeting request item properties.
' TODO: Replace the value to fit your environment.
strCCInfo = "<g:contentclass>urn:content-classes:calendarmessage</g:contentclass>" & _
strMapiInfo = "<mapi:finvited dt:dt=""boolean"">1</mapi:finvited>" & _
"<mapi:responsestatus dt:dt=""int"">1</mapi:responsestatus>" & _
"<mapi:responsestate dt:dt=""int"">0</mapi:responsestate>" & _
"<mapi:response_requested dt:dt=""boolean"">1</mapi:response_requested>" & _
"<mapi:apptstateflags dt:dt=""int"">3</mapi:apptstateflags>" & _
"<mapi:busystatus dt:dt=""int"">1</mapi:busystatus>" & _
"<mapi:intendedbusystatus dt:dt=""int"">2</mapi:intendedbusystatus>"
strMeetingRequest = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>" & _
"<g:propertyupdate " & strXMLNSInfo & _
"<g:set>" & _
"<g:prop>" & _
strCCInfo & _
strMailInfo & _
strCalInfo & "<cal:uid>" & strUID & "</cal:uid>" & _
strHeaderInfo & _
strMapiInfo & _
"</g:prop>" & _
"</g:set>" & _
' Create meeting request item in calendar.
bResult = CreateMeetingAppointment(strMeetingURL, _
strMeetingRequest, _
strMailbox, _
If bResult Then
MsgBox "Successfully create the meeting request!"
bResult = False
' MOVE the meeting request to mail submission URI.
bResult = SubmitMeetingRequest(strMeetingURL, _
strSubmissionURL, _
strMailbox, _
If bResult Then
MsgBox "Successfully send the meeting request!"
End If
End If ' end bResult is TRUE for creating meeting request
End If ' end strUID <> ""
End If ' end bResult is TRUE for creating meeting appt
End Sub
Function CreateMeetingAppointment( _
strURL, _
strApptRequest, _
strUserName, _
strPassWord) As Boolean
Dim xmlReq As MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
' Create the DAV PROPPATCH request.
Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "PROPPATCH", strURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord
xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
xmlReq.send strApptRequest
' Process the results.
If (xmlReq.Status >= 200 And xmlReq.Status < 300) Then
MsgBox "Success! PROPPATCH Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
": " & xmlReq.statusText
CreateMeetingAppointment = True
MsgBox "Request Failed. PROPPATCH Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
": " & xmlReq.statusText
CreateMeetingAppointment = False
End If
Set xmlReq = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
CreateMeetingAppointment = False
End Function
Function FindAppointmentUID( _
strURL, _
strUIDRequest, _
strUserName, _
strPassWord) As String
Dim xmlReq As MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
Dim xmldom As MSXML.DOMDocument
Dim xmlRoot As MSXML.IXMLDOMElement
Dim xmlNode As MSXML.IXMLDOMNode
Dim xmlAttr As MSXML.IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim baseName As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
' Create the DAV PROPFIND request.
Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "PROPFIND", strURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord
xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Depth", "0"
xmlReq.send (strUIDRequest)
' Process the result.
If (xmlReq.Status >= 200 And xmlReq.Status < 300) Then
MsgBox "Success! " & "PROPFIND Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
": " & xmlReq.statusText
Set xmldom = xmlReq.responseXML
Set xmlRoot = xmldom.documentElement
For Each xmlAttr In xmlRoot.Attributes
If xmlAttr.Text = "urn:schemas:calendar:" Then
baseName = xmlAttr.baseName
Exit For
End If
Set xmlNode = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("//" & baseName & ":uid")
FindAppointmentUID = xmlNode.Text
MsgBox "Failed to find Appointment UID"
FindAppointmentUID = ""
End If
Set xmlReq = Nothing
Set xmldom = Nothing
Set xmlRoot = Nothing
Set xmlNode = Nothing
Set xmlAttr = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
FindAppointmentUID = ""
End Function
Function SubmitMeetingRequest( _
strSrcURL, _
strSubmissionURL, _
strUserName, _
strPassWord) As Boolean
Dim xmlReq As MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlhttp") "MOVE", strSrcURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord
xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Destination", strSubmissionURL
xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "message/rfc822"
' Display the results.
If (xmlReq.Status >= 200 And xmlReq.Status < 300) Then
MsgBox "Success! " & "Results = " & xmlReq.Status & ": " & xmlReq.statusText
SubmitMeetingRequest = True
ElseIf xmlReq.Status = 401 Then
SubmitMeetingRequest = False
MsgBox "You don't have permission to do the job! Please check your permissions on this item."
SubmitMeetingRequest = False
MsgBox "Request Failed. Results = " & xmlReq.Status & ": " & xmlReq.statusText
End If
Set xmlReq = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
SubmitMeetingRequest = False
End Function
4. | Make the appropriate changes to the code for your
environment. |
5. | Add a reference to Microsoft XML version 2.0 Library. |
6. | Run the program, and then click the button. |
7. | From Outlook, open the meeting request items in the
attendees' Inbox folders, and respond to the meeting requests. |
8. | Open the meeting response messages in the organizer's Inbox
folder. |
9. | Open the original appointment item in the organizer's
Calendar folder, and verify that the tracking information reflects the
responses. |