If you are limiting logons to the information store (which is described in article Q146764, which is referenced in the "More Information" section of this article) without adding the distinguished name (DN) for the Internet Mail Service (IMS), the IMS does not start and you may receive an error similar to the following:
Could not start the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service service on \\servername
Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred.
In addition, the following events are logged in the Event Viewer Application log:
Event ID: 1023
Source: MSExchangeIS Private
Type: Failure Audit
Category: Logons
DOMSTW\exchservice was validated as /o=MicrosoftCE/ou=northitaly/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=Internet Mail Connector (NTSTEFANWI1) but was unable to log on to /o=MicrosoftCE/ou=northitaly/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=Internet Mail Connector (NTSTEFANWI1)
Event ID: 4018
Type: Error
Source: MSExchangeIMC
Unable to start the Internet Mail Connector service because
MAPI could not be initialized.
Event ID: 4116
Type: Error
Source: MSExchangeIMC
An error was returned from the messaging software, the Internet
Mail Service uses, to process messages on the Microsoft Exchange
Server. It is possible that the piece of mail being processed
at the time will not be delivered. The message that was being
processed has been moved to the "BAD" folder. Use the appropriate
utilities found in the SUPPORT directory of your Exchange CD to view and
manipulate these messages.