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How to start MSBackup.exe from Microsoft Access

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This article was previously published under Q302891
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.

This article applies to either a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) file or to a Microsoft Access database (.accdb) file, and to a Microsoft Access project (.adp) file.

For a Microsoft Access 2000 version of this article, see 302502 ( ) .
For a Microsoft Access 97 version of this article, see 302881 ( ) .
For a Microsoft Access 2000 version of this article, see 302502 ( ) .
For a Microsoft Access 97 version of this article, see 302881 ( ) .

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In Microsoft Access (and other Microsoft Office applications), you can use the Shell command in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code to start another application. Although you can start most applications in this manner, the Shell command does not support all applications. MSBackup.exe is one of these applications.

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More information

By using the Shell command, you can start an MS-DOS batch file that, in turn, calls MSBackup.exe.

NOTE: MSBackup.exe is only available on the Windows 98 and the Windows Millennium operating systems. You may need to install Microsoft Backup from your CD if MSBackup.exe is not located in your \Program Files\Accessories\Backup folder.

For additional information about Microsoft Backup, please see Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Help and review the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
264541� Microsoft Backup Tool Is Not Installed by Windows Millennium Edition
182624� Microsoft Backup System Requirements for Windows 98

To create the MS-DOS batch file that calls MSBackup.exe:

  1. Start Notepad.
  2. Type the following commands, but substitute your path and file information for where MSBackup.exe is located on your computer:
       CD \ 
       CD \"Program Files\Accessories\Backup"
  3. Save the text file in the root directory of drive C with the name LaunchMSBackup.bat.
  4. Create a command button on a form, and then create the following code for the Click event of the command button:
    x = Shell("C:\LaunchMSBackup.bat")
  5. Click the command button to run the .bat file, and then close the MS-DOS window that is used by the Shell command.

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Keywords: KB302891, kbhowto, kbvba

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Article Info
Article ID : 302891
Revision : 6
Created on : 3/28/2007
Published on : 3/28/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 637