When you use an Exchange Server computer the names of standard folders in an Exchange Server computer mailbox, such as Inbox, Sent Items, Public Folders, may appear in English even if you use Exchange Server and Outlook Server in a localized language version.
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This behavior can occur if the English version of the anti-virus software that you run on an Exchange Server computer performs a log on to the new mailbox before Outlook, so that folders such as Inbox, Sent Items and Public Folders are created in English.
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To work around this behavior, disable the anti-virus software that is running on the Exchange Server computer, while client computers that run a localized language version of the software log on to their mailbox for the first time. This procedure creates the folders in the localized version language.
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Most of the standard folders viewed from the client computer are stored on the server, but the folders are initially created and named by the first client computer to access the mailbox that corresponds to the server after the mailbox is created. In this scenario, the anti-virus software is an English version and creates the default folders in English.
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For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XCLN: Names of Mailbox Folders Appear in Different Languages
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