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How To Send a Message from Visual Basic by Using WebDAV

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This article demonstrates how to use WebDAV's PROPFIND and PUT methods to send an e-mail message from Visual Basic.

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E-mail messages can be sent by using a special Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that is called the Exchange mail submission URI. A user's mail submission URI is found by using WebDAV PROPFIND method to retrieve the value of the urn:schemas:httpmail:sendmsg property of the user's private mailbox folder. The WebDAV PUT method can then be used to put a message stream into this mail submission URI.

To use WebDAV to send a message from Visual Basic, follow these steps:
  1. In Visual Basic, create a new Standard EXE project.
  2. Add a button to the default form and name it Command1.
  3. Paste the following code into the view code window:
      Private Sub Command1_Click()
          Dim strSubURL As String
          Dim strAlias As String
          Dim strUserName As String
          Dim strPassWord As String
          Dim strExchSvrName As String
          Dim strFrom As String
          Dim strTo As String
          Dim strSubject As String
          Dim strBody As String
          Dim bResult As Boolean
          ' Exchange Server Name.
          strExchSvrName = "ExchangeServerName"
          ' Alias of the sender.
          strAlias = "user1"
          ' User Name of the sender.
          strUserName = "DomainName\user1"
          ' Password of the sender.
          strPassWord = "password"
          ' Email address of the sender.
          strFrom = ""
          ' Email address of recipient.
          strTo = ""
          ' Subject of the mail.
          strSubject = "Mail Subject"
          ' Text body of the mail.
          strBody = "Mail Body"
          strSubURL = FindSubmissionURL(strExchSvrName, _
                   strAlias, _
                   strUserName, _
          If strSubURL <> "" Then
             bResult = False
             bResult = SendMail(strSubURL, _
                      strFrom, _
                      strTo, _
                      strSubject, _
                      strBody, _
                      strUserName, _
             If bResult Then
                MsgBox "Successfully send mail via WebDAV!"
             End If
          End If
       End Sub
       Function FindSubmissionURL(strExchSvr, _
              strAlias, _
              strUserName, _
              strPassWord) As String
           Dim query As String
         Dim strURL As String
         Dim xmlRoot As IXMLDOMElement
         Dim xmlNode As IXMLDOMNode
         Dim baseName As String
       'To use MSXML 2.0 use the following Dim statements   
          Dim xmlReq As MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
          Dim xmldom As MSXML.DOMDocument
          Dim xmlAttr As MSXML.IXMLDOMAttribute
       'To use MSXML 6.0 use the following Dim statements 
          'Dim xmlReq As MSXML2.XMLHTTP40
          'Dim xmldom As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
          'Dim xmlAttr As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute
          'namespacemanager.declarePrefix "d", "urn:schemas:httpmail:"
          'On Error GoTo ErrHandler
          ' Create the DAV PROPFIND request.
          Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
       'To use MSXML 6.0 use the following set statement
       '   Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
          strURL = "http://" & strExchSvr & "/exchange/" & strAlias
          xmlReq.Open "PROPFIND", strURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord
          xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
          xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Depth", "0"
          query = "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
          query = query + "<a:propfind xmlns:a='DAV:'>"
          query = query + "<a:prop xmlns:m='urn:schemas:httpmail:'>"
          query = query + "<m:sendmsg/>"
          query = query + "</a:prop>"
          query = query + "</a:propfind>"
          xmlReq.send (query)
         MsgBox xmlReq.Status
          ' process the result
          If (xmlReq.Status >= 200 And xmlReq.Status < 300) Then
            ' MsgBox "Success! " & "PROPFIND Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
              '     ": " & xmlReq.statusText
             Set xmldom = xmlReq.responseXML
             Set xmlRoot = xmldom.documentElement  '.documentElement
           'To use MSXML 2.0 use the following code to get the Submission URL 
             For Each xmlAttr In xmlRoot.Attributes
                If xmlAttr.Text = "urn:schemas:httpmail:" Then
                   baseName = xmlAttr.baseName
                   Exit For
                End If
             Set xmlNode = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("//" & baseName & ":sendmsg")
             FindSubmissionURL = xmlNode.Text
            ' To use MSXML 6.0 use the following lines of code to get the Submission URL 
            ' Dim objNodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList
            ' Set objNodeList = xmlRoot.getElementsByTagName("d:sendmsg")
            ' For i = 0 To (objNodeList.length - 1)
            '   FindSubmissionURL = objNodeList.Item(i).Text
            ' Next
             MsgBox "Failed to find mail submission URL"
             FindSubmissionURL = ""
          End If
          Set xmlReq = Nothing
          Set xmldom = Nothing
          Set xmlRoot = Nothing
          Set xmlNode = Nothing
          Set xmlAttr = Nothing
          Exit Function
          MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
          FindSubmissionURL = ""
       End Function
       'Also change the function... 
       'Function SendMail(strSubURL, _
             'strFrom, _
             'strTo, _
             'strSubject, _
             'strBody, _
             'strUserName, _
             'strPassWord) As Boolean
       ' the following to accommodate the comments for its use with MSXML 6.0: 
    '   Function SendMail(strSubURL, _
    '         strFrom, _
    '         strTo, _
    '         strSubject, _
    '         strBody, _
    '         strUserName, _
    '         strPassWord) As Boolean
    '        Dim strText
    '        Dim xmlReq As MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
    '        Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
            ' To use MSXML 6.0 use the followinf DIM/SET statements
            ' Dim xmlReq As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
            ' Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
            ' On Error GoTo ErrHandler
            ' Construct the text of the PUT request
    '         strText = "From: " & strFrom & vbNewLine & _
    '            "To: " & strTo & vbNewLine & _
    '            "Subject: " & strSubject & vbNewLine & _
    '            "Date: " & Now & _
    '            "X-Mailer: test mailer" & vbNewLine & _
    '            "MIME-Version: 1.0" & vbNewLine & _
    '            "Content-Type: text/plain;" & vbNewLine & _
    '            "Charset = ""iso-8859-1""" & vbNewLine & _
    '            "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & vbNewLine & _
    '            vbNewLine & _
    '            strBody
             ' Create the DAV PUT request.
    '         xmlReq.Open "PUT", strSubURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord
    '         If strText <> "" Then
    '            xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "message/rfc822"
    '            xmlReq.send strText
    '         End If
             'Process the results.
    '         If (xmlReq.Status >= 200 And xmlReq.Status < 300) Then
               ' MsgBox "Success!   " & "PUT Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
               '    ": " & xmlReq.statusText
    '            SendMail = True
    '         ElseIf xmlReq.Status = 401 Then
              '  MsgBox "You don't have permission to do the job! " & _
              '     "Please check your permissions on this item."
    '            SendMail = False
    '         Else
              '  MsgBox "Request Failed.  Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
                '   ": " & objRequest.statusText
    '            SendMail = False
    '         End If
    '   ErrExit:
    '      Set xmlReq = Nothing
    '      Exit Function
    '   ErrHandler:
    '      MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
    '      SendMail = False
    '   End Function
       Function SendMail(strSubURL, _
             strFrom, _
             strTo, _
             strSubject, _
             strBody, _
             strUserName, _
             strPassWord) As Boolean
             'To use MSXML 2.0 use the following Dim statements
             Dim xmlReq As MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
             'To use MSXML 6.0 use the following Dim statements
             'Dim xmlReq As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
             Dim strText
             On Error GoTo ErrHandler
             ' Construct the text of the PUT request.
             strText = "From: " & strFrom & vbNewLine & _
                "To: " & strTo & vbNewLine & _
                "Subject: " & strSubject & vbNewLine & _
                "Date: " & Now & _
                "X-Mailer: test mailer" & vbNewLine & _
                "MIME-Version: 1.0" & vbNewLine & _
                "Content-Type: text/plain;" & vbNewLine & _
                "Charset = ""iso-8859-1""" & vbNewLine & _
                "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & vbNewLine & _
                vbNewLine & _
             ' Create the DAV PUT request.
             Set xmlReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
             xmlReq.Open "PUT", strSubURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord
             If strText <> "" Then
                xmlReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "message/rfc822"
                xmlReq.send strText
             End If
             'Process the results.
             If (xmlReq.Status >= 200 And xmlReq.Status < 300) Then
                MsgBox "Success!   " & "PUT Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
                   ": " & xmlReq.statusText
                SendMail = True
             ElseIf xmlReq.Status = 401 Then
                MsgBox "You don't have permission to do the job! " & _
                   "Please check your permissions on this item."
                SendMail = False
                MsgBox "Request Failed.  Results = " & xmlReq.Status & _
                   ": " & objRequest.statusText
                SendMail = False
             End If
          Set xmlReq = Nothing
          Exit Function
          MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
          SendMail = False
       End Function
  4. In the code, change strExchSvrName, strAlias, strUserName, strPassWord, strFrom, and strTo according to your situation.
  5. Add a reference to the Microsoft XML version 6.0 Library.
  6. Run the program and click the button.
  7. Verify that the email message has been sent and received.

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Keywords: KB296713, kbmsg, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 296713
Revision : 4
Created on : 10/18/2009
Published on : 10/18/2009
Exists online : False
Views : 598