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BUG: Internet Explorer 5.5 Fails When You Access an Element Whose Display Style Is Set to None

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This article was previously published under Q294984

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If you try to modify an element that has its focus and display style set to NONE, you receive the following access violation in the browser:
The instruction at "0x011168db" referenced memory at "0x00000004". The memory could not be "read".

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An HTML element cannot have focus while its display style is set to none.

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There are two ways to work around this problem:
  • Shift the focus away from the element before you set its display style to NONE.
  • Use the window.setTimeout method to delay execution of the code that modifies the hidden element.

    NOTE: The amount of time that you must be set depends on computer's capability. If the delay time is not long enough, Internet Explorer may still fail.

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

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More information

The following code reproduces the behavior:
<script language="JavaScript">

	function test()
	{ = "none";
	    thediv.innerHTML = "a";  

	*   Use test1() or test2() to show the workarounds.
	*   Just change the function call in the onclick
	*   event of "thediv" to either test1() or test2().

	function test1()
	    // Give focus to another element to resolve the problem.
	    inp.focus(); = "none";
	    thediv.innerHTML = "a";  

	function test2()
	{ = "none";
		window.setTimeout("newFunction()", 1000);

	function newFunction()
	    thediv.innerHTML = "a";  


<!-- width and height are necessary to make the div with its layout -->
<div onClick="test();" 
	 style="width: 500px; height: 30px; border: 1px solid red;"> 
     Click on this div and it will disappear
<input id="inp" type="text"></input>


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For more information about developing Web-based solutions for Microsoft Internet Explorer, visit the following Microsoft Web sites:

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Keywords: KB294984, kbnofix, kbdhtml, kbbug

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Article Info
Article ID : 294984
Revision : 3
Created on : 5/11/2006
Published on : 5/11/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 457