Dim strDomainName As String
Dim strLocalPath As String
Dim strURL As String
Dim rec As ADODB.Record
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim strXML As String
Dim NTAlias As String
Dim Allow As String
Dim Deny as String
'TO DO:Change the following 2 variables to reflect your environment and 'the user whose permissions you are changing.
strDomainName = "YourDomainName"
NTAlias = "YourDomainName\user1"
'Below you are setting the access mask for User1 to
'deny him read permissions.
'For more about access masks, refer to the link below.
Allow = "1FF000"
Deny = "10FFFF"
strLocalPath = "public folders\testflolder\test.eml"
strURL = "file://./backofficestorage/" & strDomainName
strURL = strURL & "/" & strLocalPath
On Error GoTo err:
Set rec = New ADODB.Record
rec.Open strURL, , adModeReadWrite
'Modify SD.
strXML = "<S:security_descriptor " & _
"xmlns:S=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/security/""" & _
"xmlns:D=""urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/""" & _
strXML = strXML + " <S:dacl>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:effective_aces>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:access_allowed_ace>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:access_mask>" + Allow + "</S:access_mask>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:sid>"
'If you are denying to the group, the line below will be
'strXML = strXML + " <S:type>group</S:type>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:type>user</S:type>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:nt4_compatible_name>" + NTAlias
strXML = strXML + "</S:nt4_compatible_name>"
strXML = strXML + " </S:sid>"
strXML = strXML + " </S:access_allowed_ace>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:access_denied_ace>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:access_mask>" + Deny + "</S:access_mask>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:sid>"
'If you are denying to the group, the line below will be
'strXML = strXML + " <S:type>group</S:type>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:type>user</S:type>"
strXML = strXML + " <S:nt4_compatible_name>" + NTAlias
strXML = strXML + "</S:nt4_compatible_name>"
strXML = strXML + " </S:sid>"
strXML = strXML + " </S:access_denied_ace>"
strXML = strXML + " </S:effective_aces>"
strXML = strXML + " </S:dacl>"
strXML = strXML + "</S:security_descriptor>"
rec.Fields.Append _
"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/security/descriptor", _
adBSTR, Len(strXML), , strXML
'Close it.
Set rec = Nothing
If err.Number Then
msgbox err.Number & ": " & err.Description & "::" & err.Source
End If