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How to check and manage the status of links in Excel 2002 or later versions of Excel

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This step-by-step article describes how to check the status of links and determine what actions are needed based on the status reported. The Edit Links dialog box in Microsoft Excel provides improved functionality, which allows you more control over the links in your workbooks.

Check Links

A link is a reference to another workbook. It is sometimes called an external reference. A link can also be made to another program, such as Microsoft Word 2002. This type of link is sometimes called a remote reference. Because data in another workbook or program may change, there are options to control how links are updated.

To check the status of the links in your workbook, follow these steps:
  1. On the Edit menu, click Links.

    Note The Links command is unavailable if your file does not contain linked information.
  2. Click Check Status to update the status for all links in the list.

    This process may take several minutes if the workbook contains a large number of links or if the source workbook for the links is on a network location and the network connection is slow.

    When the Check Status procedure is finished, the current status for all existing links is displayed in the Status column.
  3. To further manage the links, select the link, and then take the required action as indicated in the following table:
       Status               Action Required
       OK                   No action required; the link is working and up to
       Unknown              Click Check Status to update the status for all
                            links in the list. 
       Not applicable       The link uses Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) 
                            or Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). Excel 
                            2002 cannot check the status of these types of  
       Error:               Click Change Source and select the correct        
       Source not found     workbook. The source may have been moved or
       Error:               Click Change Source, and then select the correct
       Worksheet not found  worksheet. The source may have been moved or
       Warning:             Click Update Values. The link was not updated when
       Values not updated   the workbook was opened. 
       Warning:             Click Open Source and calculate the workbook by
       Source not           pressing F9. The workbook may be set to manual
       recalculated         calculation. To set to automatic calculation, click
                            Options on the Tools menu, select the
                            Calculation tab, and then click Automatic. 
       Warning:             Some names cannot be resolved until the source
       Undefined or         workbook is opened. Click Open Source, switch
       non-rectangular name back to the destination workbook, and then click
                            Check Status. If this does not resolve the issue,
                            make sure the name is not misspelled or missing.
                            Switch to the source workbook, point to Name on the
                            Insert menu, click Define, and then look for the
       Warning:             Click Open Source. The link cannot be updated until 
       Open source to       the source is open.
       update values     
       Source is open       The source is open. No action required unless
                            worksheet errors are present.
       Values updated       No action required; the values have been updated.
       from filename  
       Warning:             Excel cannot determine the status of the link.
       Status indeterminate The source may contain no worksheets or be saved
                            in an unsupported file format. Click Update Values.

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For more information about links, click Microsoft Excel Help on the Help menu, type links in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topics returned.

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Keywords: KB288940, kbhowtomaster, kbprb, kbxlslink

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Article Info
Article ID : 288940
Revision : 7
Created on : 5/11/2006
Published on : 5/11/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 331