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[SDP 3][ab09ed03-7576-425f-aae0-8f36c0e8c662] Information that is collected by the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector

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The Microsoft SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector for Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 collects diagnostic information that is useful in troubleshooting a broad class of connectivity issues with SQL Server. The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector also collects limited diagnostic information for Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. 

The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector supports the following versions of SQL Server:
  • SQL Server 2005
  • SQL Server 2008
  • SQL Server 2008 R2
  • SQL Server 2012

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More Information

Prerequisite software

There are different prerequisites to run diagnostic packages, depending on the operating system of the destination computer. The diagnostic will automatically check your computer for these prerequisites and start executing if they are already installed. Or, you are prompted to install the prerequisites if they are not already available on the computer. The Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Service (MATS) may also install required software for you. For example, if Windows PowerShell is not present on the destination computer, MATS will install it automatically. For more information, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
2598970 Information about the Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

Required Windows rights

The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector must be run by a user who has administrative rights on the computer on which the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector is run.

SQL Server security requirements

The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector discovers all instances of SQL Server that are installed on the computer on which the diagnostics tool is run. As part of the data-collection process, the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector tries to connect to each instance of SQL Server that the diagnostic tool discovers to collect information about the current SQL Server configuration and server "state." Database connections are made by using Windows authentication. For the following diagnostic collection tasks to succeed, the user who is executing the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector must have a Windows logon that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role:
  • SQL Server AlwaysOn Configuration Collection
  • SQLDIAG Data Collection Scripts

Support for Windows failover clusters

To diagnose SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group connectivity or clustered SQL Server connectivity, you may have to run the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostic Collector against more than one cluster node to collect all the necessary troubleshooting information as follows:
  • Run the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostic Collector against the cluster node that currently owns the SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group or SQL Server cluster resource that is experiencing the connectivity issue.
  • Run the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostic Collector against the node where a connectivity failure occurred previously. This enables the collection of various logs from the cluster node where the failure occurred previously.

Information that is collected

General information
DescriptionFile name
Basic system information. This includes computer name, service pack number, computer model, and processor name and speed.<COMPUTER_NAME>_ System_Information.txt
Virtualization information and so on<COMPUTER_NAME>_ DiscoveryReport.xml
List of roles and features that are installed on server media (Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions)<COMPUTER_NAME>_ ResultReport.xml

System log

Note The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector collects events from the past 15 days.

DescriptionFile name
System log in TXT, CSV, and EVT or EVTX formats<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_System.csv
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_System.txt
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_System.evt or
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_System.evtx

Application log

The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector collects events from the past 15 days.

DescriptionFile name
Application log in TXT, CSV, and EVT or EVTX format<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_Application.csv
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_Application.txt
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_Application.evt or
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ evt_Application.evtx

Information about user and system environment variables on the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
Information about user and system environment variables in the context of the current useron the destination computer in XML and TXT format<COMPUTER_NAME>_ EnvironmentVariables.xml
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ EnvironmentVariables.txt

Information about all services that are installed on the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
Information about services that are installed on the destination computer<COMPUTER_NAME>_SC_Services_Output.xml

Information about filter drivers that are installed on the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
Enumerate upper and lower filter drivers by using Fltrfind.exe <COMPUTER_NAME>_FltrFind.txt

Report of mini-filter drivers

DescriptionFile name
Enumerate mini-filter drivers by using Fltmc.exe<COMPUTER_NAME>_Fltmc.txt

Information about all the running processes and driver details together with their file versions

DescriptionFile name
Running drivers<COMPUTER_NAME>_sym_RunningDrivers.csv
Running drivers<COMPUTER_NAME>_sym_RunningDrivers.txt
Running processes<COMPUTER_NAME>_sym_Process.csv
Running processes<COMPUTER_NAME>_sym_Process.txt

Information about the networking configuration of the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
Basic SMB configuration information such as output of net.exe subcommands such as net share, net sessions, net use, net accounts, and net config<COMPUTER_NAME>_SMB-Info.txt
Basic TCP/IP and networking configuration information such as TCP/IP registry key and outputs from ipconfig, netstat, nbtstat, and netsh commands<COMPUTER_NAME>_TcpIp-Info.txt
DNS Client hosts file<COMPUTER_NAME>_DnsClient_HostsFile.txt
IPCONFIG/DISPLAYDNS command output<COMPUTER_NAME>_DnsClient_ipconfig-displaydns.txt

Note This command is not valid on Windows Server 2003
DNS Client registry entries<COMPUTER_NAME>_DnsClient_reg_.txt
TCP/IP parameters registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters

Network adapter properties<COMPUTER_NAME>_NetworkAdapterConfigurations.xml

Registry backup and text dump files of CurrentControlSet and SQL Server registry hives

DescriptionFile name
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Redist<COMPUTER_NAME>_REG_SQL.txt
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Native Client<COMPUTER_NAME>_REG_SQL.txt
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<COMPUTER_NAME>_REG_SQL.txt
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server<COMPUTER_NAME>_Wow6432Node_REG_SQL.txt
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Redist<COMPUTER_NAME>_Wow6432Node_REG_SQL.txt
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Native Client<COMPUTER_NAME>_Wow6432Node_REG_SQL.txt
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Native Client 10.0<COMPUTER_NAME>_Wow6432Node_REG_SQL.txt
Backup of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server key in HIV format<COMPUTER_NAME>

Output of the PSTAT utility

DescriptionFile name
Output from PSTAT.EXE<COMPUTER_NAME>_PStat.txt

Windows firewall information

DescriptionFile name
Output of the netsh advfirewall show command together with various options<COMPUTER_NAME>_Firewall_netsh_advfirewall.txt
Output of netsh advfirewall consec show rule name=all<COMPUTER_NAME>_Firewall_netsh_advfirewall-consec-rules.txt
Output of netsh advfirewall export<COMPUTER_NAME>_Firewall_netsh_advfirewall-export.wfw
Output of netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all<COMPUTER_NAME>_Firewall_netsh_advfirewall-firewall-rules.txt
Output of netsh wfp show netevents<COMPUTER_NAME>_Firewall_netsh_wfp-show-netevents.txt
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BFE <COMPUTER_NAME>_Firewall_reg_.txt

Information about user rights assignments on the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
Local user rights assignments<COMPUTER_NAME>_UserRights.txt

Information about the domain to which the destination computer is joined
DescriptionFile name
Information about the domain to which the destination computer is joined <COMPUTER_NAME>_DSMisc.txt

Kerberos tickets and TGT

DescriptionFile name
Kerberos tickets and TGT<COMPUTER_NAME>_ Kerberos_klist.txt

Kerberos, LSA, and SChannel registry keys on the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ Authentication_Registry.xml

Server network configuration of all instances of SQL Server on the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
SQL Server network configurations (TCP/IP, NP, Shared Memory, and so on) for all instances of SQL Server. Also, (Database Engine) instances on the destination computer. This includes both 64- and 32-bit instances on a 64-bit computer.<COMPUTER_NAME>_ SqlServer_Network_Configurations.xml

Active Directory properties and SPNs of SQL Server service accounts on the destination computer

DescriptionFile name
Active directory properties and SPNs of SQL Server service accounts on the destination computer<COMPUTER_NAME>_ SqlServiceAccounts_SPN_ADProperties.xml
<COMPUTER_NAME>_ SQLInstances_Spn_Summary.xml

SQL Server error logs

The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector will collect up to 20 SQL Server error logs for each discovered instance that meets the following criteria:
  • The size of each error log file must be 200 MB or less.
  • The maximum total uncompressed size of all collected error log files cannot exceed 250 MB. When the 250 MB limit is reached, no additional error logs are collected for the instance of SQL Server.

DescriptionFile name
Collects SQL Server error logs for all instances that are installed on the computer on which the diagnostic tool is executed. Named instance:

Default instance:

Note When the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector is executed against a Windows failover cluster, SQL Server error logs are only collected if they are stored on a drive that is "owned" and "online" to the destination cluster node.

SQL Server Agent logs

The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector will collect up to 20 SQL Server Agent logs for each discovered instance that meets the following criteria:
  • The size of each SQL Server Agent log file must be 200 MB or less.
  • The maximum total uncompressed size of all collected SQL Server Agent log files cannot exceed 250 MB. When the 250 MB limit is reached, no additional SQL Server Agent log files are collected for the instance of SQL Server.

DescriptionFile name
Collects SQL Server Agent logs for all instances that are installed on the computer on which the diagnostic tool is executed. Named instance:

Default instance:

Note When the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector is executed against a Windows failover cluster, SQL Server Agent logs are only collected if they are stored on a drive that is "owned" and "online" to the destination cluster node.

SQL Server minidump files

The SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector will collect up to 10 SQL Server minidump files for each discovered instance of SQL Server. The files are collected in descending order, based on the creation date of the minidump file. This means that the most recently generated files are collected first. The collected files must meet the following criteria:
  • The size of each minidump file must be 100 megabytes (MB) or less. 
  • Each minidump file must be 30 days old or less.
  • The maximum total uncompressed size of all collected minidump files for a given instance of SQL Server cannot exceed 200 MB. When the 200 MB limit is reached, no additional minidump files are collected for the instance of SQL Server.

Note All the files for a given instance are compressed into a zip archive before they are collected.

DescriptionFile name
SQL Server minidump files Named instance:

Default instance:
A dump inventory report is generated and collected for each discovered instance of SQL Server Named instance:

Default Instance:

When the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector is executed against a Windows failover cluster, SQL Server minidump files are only collected if they are stored on a drive that is "owned" and "online" to the destination cluster node.

SQLDIAG data-collection script

The SQLDIAG data-collection script will be executed against each instance of SQL Server that has a service status of "RUNNING." The script output is redirected to a file and collected by the diagnostic.

DescriptionFile name
SQLDIAG script outputNamed instance:

Default Instance:

SQL Server AlwaysOn configuration information

Note The SQL Server AlwaysOn configuration information is collected only from instances of SQL Server 2012.

DescriptionFile name
SQL Server AlwaysOn configuration informationNamed instance:

Default Instance:

SQL Server AlwaysOn health logs

SQL Server AlwaysOn health session logs are collected from each instance of SQL Server 2012 that is installed on the destination computer. The files are collected and compressed into "instance specific" compressed archives.

The maximum number of SQL Server AlwaysOn Health logs that will be collected for each discovered instance is 20. The files are collected in descending order, based on the creation date of the file.

DescriptionFile name
SQL Server AlwaysOn health logsNamed instance:

Default Instance:

Note When the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector is executed against a Windows failover cluster, SQL Server AlwaysOn health logs are collected only if they are stored on a drive that is "owned" and "online" to the destination cluster node.

SQL Server failover cluster health logs

SQL Server failover cluster health logs are collected from each "clustered" instance of SQL Server 2012 that is installed on the destination computer. The files are collected and compressed into "instance specific" compressed archives.

The maximum number of failover cluster health logs that will be collected for each instance is 20. The files are collected in descending order, based on the creation date of the file.

DescriptionFile name
SQL Server failover cluster health logsNamed instance:

Default Instance:

Note The SQL Server failover cluster health logs are collected only if they are stored on a drive that is "owned" and "online" to the destination cluster node.

SQL Server default system health logs

SQL Server default system health logs are collected from each instance of SQL Server 2012 that is installed on the destination computer. The files are collected and compressed into "instance specific" compressed archives.

DescriptionFile name
SQL Server default system health logsNamed instance:

Default Instance:

Note When the SQL Server Connectivity Diagnostics Collector is executed against a Windows failover cluster, SQL Server default system health logs are collected only if they are stored on a drive that is "owned" and "online" to the destination cluster node.

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Keywords: kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2871695
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 10/25/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 491