Create the Sample Automation Add-In
- In Visual Basic, start a new AddIn project.
- By default, a form named frmAddIn is added to the project.
For the purposes of this demonstration, that form may be removed from the
project. In the Project Explorer, right-click the form, and then click Remove frmAddIn on the shortcut menu.
- On the Project menu, click MyAddin Properties. Change the Project Name to "AutomationAddin" and then click OK.
- In the Project Explorer, select the Connect designer.
Change its Name property to "XLFunctions".
- In the Project Explorer, double-click the XLFunctions designer. On the General tab, make the following changes to the designer settings:
- From the Application list, select Microsoft Excel.
- From the Application Version list, select Microsoft Excel 10.0.
Note: When you are using Microsoft Office Excel 2003, select Microsoft Excel 11.0 from the Application Version list. - Change the Initial Load Behavior setting to Load on demand.
- With the XLFunctions designer still open, select Code from the View menu. Replace the code in the module with the following:
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Dim oApp As Object 'The Excel Application object
Private Sub AddinInstance_OnAddInsUpdate(custom() As Variant)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub AddinInstance_OnConnection(ByVal Application As Object, ByVal ConnectMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_ConnectMode, ByVal AddInInst As Object, custom() As Variant)
Set oApp = Application
End Sub
Private Sub AddinInstance_OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As AddInDesignerObjects.ext_DisconnectMode, custom() As Variant)
Set oApp = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub AddinInstance_OnStartupComplete(custom() As Variant)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Function TickCount() As Long
'** A volatile function that is called each time the sheet is calculated.
' Call with =TICKCOUNT().
TickCount = GetTickCount
End Function
Public Function Add1(Num1 As Variant, Num2 As Variant) As Variant
'** A function with two required arguments.
' Can be called with formulas such as =Add1(1,3) or =Add1(A1,A2).
On Error Resume Next
Add1 = "The sum of " & Num1 & " and " & Num2 & " is " & _
CDbl(Num1) + CDbl(Num2)
If Err <> 0 Then Add1 = CVErr(2036) 'xlErrNum = 2036
End Function
Public Function Add2(Num1 As Variant, Num2 As Variant, Optional Num3 As Variant) As Variant
'** A function with two required arguments and a third optional argument.
' Can be called with formulas such as =Add2(1,2), =Add2(A1,A2,A3).
Dim Sum As Double, sMsg As String
On Error GoTo Handler
Sum = CDbl(Num1) + CDbl(Num2)
If IsMissing(Num3) Then
sMsg = "The sum of " & Num1 & " and " & Num2 & " is "
Sum = Sum + CDbl(Num3)
sMsg = "The sum of " & Num1 & ", " & Num2 & " and " & Num3 & " is "
End If
Add2 = sMsg & Sum
Exit Function
Add2 = CVErr(2036) 'xlErrNum = 2036
End Function
Public Function Add3(ParamArray Nums()) As Variant
'** Demonstrates a function with a variable number of arguments.
' Can be called with formulas like =Add3(1), =Add3(1,2,3,4),
' or =Add3(A1,A2).
Dim Sum As Double, i As Integer
On Error GoTo Handler
For i = 0 To UBound(Nums)
Sum = Sum + CDbl(Nums(i))
Add3 = "The sum is " & Sum
Exit Function
Add3 = CVErr(2036) 'xlErrNum = 2036
End Function
Public Function ReturnArray(nRows As Long, nCols As Long) As Variant
'** Demonstrates how to return an array of values (for use in Excel
' "array formulas").
' Can be called with a formula such as =ReturnArray(1,3).
On Error GoTo Handler
ReDim a(0 To nRows, 0 To nCols) As Variant
Dim r As Long, c As Long
For r = 0 To nRows - 1
For c = 0 To nCols - 1
a(r, c) = "r" & r + 1 & "c" & c + 1
Next c
Next r
ReturnArray = a
Exit Function
ReturnArray = CVErr(2015) 'xlErrValue = 2015
End Function
Public Function GetArray(Nums As Variant) As Variant
'** Demonstrates how to use an array(or range of multiple cells) as
' a function argument.
' Can be called with formulas such as =GetArray(A1:B5), GetArray(A1),
' or GetArray({1,2,3;4,5,6}).
Dim Sum As Double, v As Variant
On Error GoTo Handler
If IsArray(Nums) Then
For Each v In Nums
Sum = Sum + CDbl(v)
Sum = CDbl(Nums)
End If
GetArray = "The sum is " & Sum
Exit Function
GetArray = CVErr(2036) 'xlErrNum = 2036
End Function
- Build the Add-in as AutomationAddin.dll.
Using the Sample Automation Add-in in Microsoft Excel 2002 or Microsoft Office Excel 2003
- Start Microsoft Excel 2002 if you have selected Microsoft Excel 10.0 in the Application Version list of the Visual Basic Add-in project.
Note: Start Microsoft Office Excel 2003 if you have selected Microsoft Excel 11.0 in the Application Version list of the Visual Basic Add-in project. - On the Tools menu, click Add-ins to display the Add-In Manager dialog box. Click Automation, select AutomationAddin.XLFunctions in the list, and then click OK. Select AutomationAddin.XLFunctions, and then click OK to close the Add-in Manager dialog box.
- In cell A1, type the following formula:
The formula returns a large number that represents the number of
milliseconds that have elapsed since your system was started. - In cells B1 and B2 of the new workbook, type the numeric
values 2 and 5, respectively.
- In cell B3, type the following formula:
=Add1(B1, B2)
and press ENTER. The formula returns "The sum of 2 and 5 is
7". - In cell B4, type the following formula:
=Add2(B1, B2)
and press ENTER. The formula returns "The sum of 2 and 5 is 7".
Modify the formula to use the third optional argument:
=Add2(B1, B2, 10)
The formula returns "The sum of 2, 5, and 10 is 17." - In cell B5, type the following formula:
and press ENTER. The formula returns "The sum is 21". Because the
parameter for the Add3 function is declared as ParamArray, you can use a variable number of arguments for this function.
Note Excel limits a single worksheet function to 29
arguments. - In cell B6, type the following formula:
and press ENTER. The formula returns #NUM! (xlErrNum) because the type conversion with the CDbl function fails converting the strings "x" and "y" to type double. The default return value when a function encounters a run-time
error is #VALUE!. If you wish to return a different error, use error handling
and you can return any of the Excel built-in error values (xlErrDiv0, xlErrNA, xlErrName, xlErrNull, xlErrNum, xlErrRef, or xlErrValue.) - Select cells E1:G5. Type the following formula:
and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the formula as an array
formula. The function returns a 5 x 3 array of unique values. - Enter any numbers into cells I1:J3. In cell I4, type the
following formula:
The formula will return a result similar to "The sum is n" (where n is the sum of the numbers in I1:J3). In I5, type the following
and press ENTER. The formula returns "The sum is 10".
Function Binding
Binding for functions in an Automation Add-in is at the end of
the function binding precedence. If you have a function in your Automation
Add-in with the same name as an Excel built-in function, the Excel built-in
function will take precedence. VBA functions in workbooks and regular Add-ins
(.xla) also take precedence over Automation Add-in functions. When you create
your own functions for use in Excel, it is recommended that you do not give
your functions names that are already in use by Excel built-in
To specifically call a function in an Automation Add-in,
you can drill down to the function in a formula by using a syntax such as
FunctionName(...). For example, to call the
Add1 function in the sample, you could use the following:
You can only call top-level methods and properties of your
Automation Add-in; you cannot walk down the object model of your Add-in to call
functions that are not at the top level.
Volatile Functions
A volatile function is one that recalculates whenever a change is
made to any cell on a worksheet, regardless of whether or not the changed cell
is a dependency for the function. One example of a volatile function that is
internal to Excel is the
RAND() function. Volatile functions also recalculate when you press
To make a function in an Automation Add-in volatile, call the
Volatile method of the Excel
Application object. As the sample code above demonstrates, a reference to the
Application object may be retrieved during the OnConnection event of the
Add-in. The
TickCount function in the sample Automation Add-in is volatile. Note that
if you make changes to any cell on the worksheet or you press F9, cells that
contain the following formula:
will recalculate.
Automation Add-ins and the Add-in Manager
In the Add-in Manager, the default value of the
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<ProgID> registry key for the Automation Add-in is used
for the Add-in's name. Note that there is no property in the Visual Basic user
interface (UI) that will set the default value of this key; however, this key
can be modified manually in the registry editor or during an installation for
the Add-in.
The description for the Automation Add-in in the Add-in
Manager will always be the Add-in's ProgID; there is no way to change this
Automation Add-ins and the Function Wizard
Each Automation Add-in has its own category in the Excel Function
Wizard. The category name is the ProgID for the Add-in; you cannot specify a
different category name for Automation Add-in functions. Additionally, there is
no way to specify function descriptions, argument descriptions, or help for
Automation Add-in functions in the Function Wizard.