The following code snippet is a Visual Basic Script example that demonstrates how to change the subject line for an SMTP Primary Transport.
Save the follow segment of code to a file named SMTPSubjectChange.vbs:
NOTE: The lines of code that are in uppercase need to be changed to point to a valid channel and port in your environment.
Dim objConfig ' BizTalkConfig Interface
Dim objChannel ' BizTalkChannel Interface
Dim objPort ' BizTalkPort Interface
Dim objDic ' CDictionary Interface
' Create the two objects that are needed to change the transport
Set objConfig = CreateObject("BizTalk.BizTalkConfig.1")
Set objDic = CreateObject("Commerce.Dictionary")
' Call the Create methods that return the channel and port objects.
Set objChannel = objConfig.CreateChannel
Set objPort = objConfig.CreatePort
' Load the channel and port that utilize the SMTP transport and retrieve the handle to the port
objChannel.LoadByName ("XMLFromSource")
objPort.LoadByName ("XMLToFlat")
portID = objPort.Handle
' Call GetConfigData passing the port handle, which will result in a Dictionary object being returned.
' Once the dictionary object is returned, we can change the subject and save the data back to the port.
objDic.subject = "this is a test"
Set objConfig = Nothing
Set objChannel = Nothing
Set objPort = Nothing
Set objDic = Nothing
When the sample has been executed, open the channel and view the Subject property in the Advanced properties.
To manually view the Subject property, perform the following steps:
1. | Open the BizTalk Messaging Manager. |
2. | Click Channels, and then click Search Now. |
3. | Double-click the channel in question. |
4. | Click Next five times, click Advanced, and then click Properties. |
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