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Exchange 2000 Release Notes, Part I

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This article was previously published under Q277844

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This article is Part One of a two-part article that contains the Release Notes for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. To see Part Two, view this article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
277845� XGEN: Exchange 2000 Release Notes, Part II
This document lists critical issues that can potentially prevent you from successfully installing or from deploying Exchange 2000 in your environment.

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More information

About This Document

This document lists critical issues that can potentially impede you from successfully installing or deploying Exchange 2000 in your environment. The issues listed in this document do not include Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server release notes.
  • For the most current Exchange 2000 Server deployment information, see the Exchange Up-To-Date Web site, located at the following Microsoft Web site: Exchange Up-To-Date is a series of Web articles that provide you with the installation and upgrade procedures that are necessary for successful deployment, as well as best practices for getting the most out of Exchange 2000.
  • For issues that are related to special cases or that require very detailed explanations, see the Knowledge Base articles at the following Microsoft Web site:
IMPORTANTYou have to have Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed on your server before you install Exchange 2000.

Additionally, we strongly recommend that you also install Windows 2000 SP1 and the Windows 2000 hotfix in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article on your domain controllers. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
257357� Performance degradation when heap is fragmented

Active Directory Connector

Active Directory Connector requires an Exchange Server 5.5 computer running SP3

To run Active Directory Connector (ADC), you must connect to a computer running Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 3 (SP3). If you are running multiple versions of Exchange Server 5.0 or earlier within a site, you must first upgrade at least one server to Exchange Server 5.5 SP3. Each Exchange site must have at least one server running Exchange Server 5.5 SP3 or later.

Merging Account Descriptions with Active Directory Account Cleanup Wizard

Active Directory Connector will create new accounts in Active Directory for mailboxes that are not already associated with an Active Directory account. Mailboxes usually do not have an associated account because the associated account is still on Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0. When an account is created by Active Directory Connector, the account is disabled and a description is set to "Disabled Windows User Account" to signify that the account is disabled. If this disabled account is later merged by Active Directory Account Cleanup Wizard into an active account that does not have a description, then the account will become active, but will continue to have a description set to "Disabled Windows User Account." To resolve this conflict, simply delete the description of accounts after they are merged using Active Directory Account Cleanup Wizard.

Installing Active Directory Connector in a Child Domain

If you want to install Active Directory Connector (ADC) into a child domain, you must first extend the Active Directory schema by running the Active Directory Connector setup from a command line in the domain where the schema master is located and using the /schemaonly flag. The root domain is used by default. Then, after information is replicated to the child domain, you can run the Active Directory Connector setup in the child domain using a user account from the child domain.

Upgrading from Exchange Server 5.5

Secure Sockets Layer Certificates not upgraded

After you upgrade from Exchange Server version 5.5, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) will not function because the certificate information is not upgraded. To enable SSL, you can either request a new certificate, or use the existing Exchange Server 5.5 certificate. To use your existing certificate, you can use Key Manager (Keyring.exe) to create a backup file. To install a backup file, on the Access tab, select Certificate, and then import a certificate from a Key Manager backup file.

Manually configure Message Journaling after upgrade

Per-server message journaling, as described in the Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 1 Release Notes, is no longer configured per-message transfer agent (MTA). Instead, it is configured per-mailbox store. When upgrading an Exchange Server 5.5 server, the message journaling settings are not upgraded. You must manually configure message journaling (called "message archival" in Exchange 2000) on the mailbox store object.

Setup Progress Indicator may appear to hang during upgrade

During the upgrade process, the progress indicator may appear to hang for some period of time at 85 percent and then at 100 percent complete. The amount of time the progress indicator appears to hang will be proportional to the size of the database being upgraded. If you experience this, do not restart your server or terminate the Setup process. This is expected behavior during these portions of the upgrade.

The last Exchange Server 5.5 computer uninstalled in a mixed site topology is not deleted from Active Directory

After you uninstall the last Exchange Server 5.5 server from a mixed site topology, the server you uninstalled will still appear in the Exchange 2000 server's Active Directory, and in any other Exchange Server 5.5 server's directory. You must use Exchange Server 5.5 Administrator to delete the uninstalled server from all other Exchange servers. To install Exchange Server 5.5 Administrator, use Exchange 2000 Setup, select Custom, and then select Install for Exchange Server 5.5 Administrator. Use Exchange Server 5.5 Administrator to connect to the Site Replication Service (SRS) on an Exchange 2000 server that is in the same site as the server you uninstalled. Delete the entry for the uninstalled server from the list of site servers. Once you have removed ir from the SRS, Active Directory Connector (ADC) will replicate the change to Active Directory. Verify if that this change has replicated to Active Directory before making the topology changes.

Configuring the Home Public Server attribute to correct Offline Folder synchronization errors

In Exchange 2000, there are multiple public and private stores. In a mixed environment that contains both Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000 servers, make sure that all databases for private stores reside on the server that has the Home Public Server attribute configured identically. Incorrect settings may result in offline folder (.ost) synchronization errors.

Upgrading a topology that uses NTLM Authentication for SMTP

If your existing topology is configured so that Exchange Server 5.5 SMTP servers communicate using Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM), and you upgrade an Exchange Server 5.5 server to Exchange 2000, NTLM sessions will fail. You must upgrade both servers simultaneously or remove the NTLM authentication to interconnect the systems.

Limited support for Exchange Server 5.5 Move Server wizard

After Exchange 2000 has been added to an Exchange Server 5.5 organization, Exchange Server 5.5 Move Server wizard should only be used to move servers between organizations. For example, you can use the wizard to move an Exchange Server 5.5 server from Organization One/Site One to Organization Two/Site One. We do not recommend that you use the wizard to move servers within an organization.

Granting Site Replication Service rights to new administrator accounts

When Site Replication Service (SRS) is enabled during installation, or after installation in Exchange System Manager, SRS administrator rights are granted to the user enabling SRS. All Exchange Administrators that are created after initially enabling SRS do not have any administrative rights to SRS. After enabling SRS, whenever you use Delegation Wizard to create a new Exchange Administrator account, you must manually grant SRS rights to that new account. If you do not manually grant SRS administrator rights to that account, the newly created Exchange administrator cannot perform SRS administrative tasks, such as disabling or reinstalling the Exchange server.

To manually assign permissions to newly delegated Exchange Administrator accounts, do the following:
  1. On a server that is running the Exchange Server 5.5 Administrator program, where the current user has rights to modify the SRS, open the Administrator program.
  2. On the File menu, select Connect, and then choose the name of the Exchange 2000 server that is running SRS.
  3. Click the local SRS site, and then on the File menu, choose Properties. On the Permission tab, click Add, and then select the new Exchange administrator account. To a full administrator, assign Service Account Administrator rights. To any other type of administrator, assign Administrator rights.
  4. Repeat these steps for the local site's Configuration container.
  5. Repeat these steps for the organization.
  6. If the newly delegated administrator is an administrative group-level administrator, repeat the first five steps for the site that corresponds to that administrative group. Only one SRS per site must be configured, because intra-site replication will copy the changes to the other Site Replication Services.
  7. If the newly delegated administrator is an organization-level administrator, repeat the first five steps for all sites. Only one SRS per site must be configured, because intra-site replication will copy the changes to the other Site Replication Services.

Check permission consistency before upgrading

Before you upgrade from Exchange Server 5.5 to Exchange 2000, run DS/IS Consistency Adjuster on the server that you are upgrading. Select only the options that are necessary to verify that all users that were deleted in Exchange Server 5.5 do not retain permissions to mailboxes and public folders. If this is not done, when you upgrade to Exchange 2000, folders that give permissions to unknown user accounts will only be accessible to the owner of the folder, and event logs will be generated to alert you to the inconsistency. To check permission consistency:
  1. In the Exchange Server 5.5. Administrator program, click the server that you are upgrading, and then from the File menu, choose Properties.
  2. On the Advanced tab, select the Consistency Adjuster check box.
  3. Verify that only the following check boxes are selected:
    • Remove unknown user accounts from mailbox permissions
    • Remove unknown user accounts from public folder permissions
  4. On the dialog box that warns you of public folder rehoming, click OK. If you did not select the Synchronize with the directory and reset the home server value for public folders homed in unknown sites option, public folders will not be rehomed.
Note Only the permission options need to be checked. Consistency Adjuster will warn you that public folder rehoming needs to be done. However, you do not need to rehome public folders to correct permission settings for deleted users. Fixing permissions for unknown user accounts will not cause a need for public folder rehoming.

Using Exchange Event Service with Exchange 2000

Exchange Event Service is provided in Exchange 2000 for backward-compatibility with Exchange Server 5.5 event scripts. New applications that were written specifically for Exchange 2000 should use native Web Storage System Events instead of Exchange Event Service, as is described in the Exchange 2000 Software Development Kit (SDK). To use Event Service on an Exchange 2000 server, complete the following steps regardless of whether you are upgrading an existing Exchange Server 5.5 computer or installing a new Exchange 2000 server.

To use Exchange Event Service, do the following:
  1. In Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click the domain user account under which Event Service will run, and then select Properties.
  2. On the Member Of tab, if Event Service will run on a member server, add the domain account user to the built-in group Administrators. If Event Service runs on a domain controller, add the user to Domain Administrators.
  3. To allow full access to all Exchange resources, add the user to the Exchange Domain Servers group in the server's domain. You can also allow full access to selective Exchange resources by opening the properties of each public and private store where event scripts may be installed, and on the Security tab, grant the user Full Control permissions.
  4. You must also grant Owner permissions to any public folder that contains an event script. You cannot grant ownership permissions on a root folder, such as the default Public Folder node. To grant ownership rights on a specific folder, right-click any folder below the root folder, and then choose Properties. On the Permissions tab, click Client Permissions, select the domain account administrator, and in Roles, select Owner.
  5. Click Start, point to Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services.
  6. Right-click Microsoft Exchange Event Service, and then click Properties.
  7. On the Log On tab, in Logon, type the user name of the account that is used by Event Service. In Password, type the password.
  8. By default, Event Service is set to Manual startup. To make sure that Event Service is always available, set Event Service to Automatic startup by clicking OK.
  9. In Services, right-click Event Service, and then click Start.

Verify that the Connected Routing Setting is upgraded correctly

If you are installing the first Exchange 2000 server in a site, and it is an upgrade from Exchange Server 5.5, Exchange Server 5.5 directory service may use incorrect data for these connectors if the following conditions apply:
  • The server has an X.400 Connector, or an Internet Mail Connector (IMC) connector with connected sites or domain names.
  • The default code page on the server is set to Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, or Korean.
To check if your upgraded connector is corrupt, do the following:
  1. In Exchange System Manager, right-click a connector, and then click Properties.
  2. On the Connected Routing Groups tab, click each routing group. If the Administrative Group name is incorrect, manually correct the settings for the connector.
To fix the incorrect settings, do the following:
  1. In Exchange System Manager, right-click a corrupt connector, and then click Properties.
  2. On the Connected Routing Groups tab, click a routing group to open the Properties dialog for the routing group.
  3. On the General tab, update any incorrect settings to reflect the correct routing group.
  4. On the Routing Address tab, in E-mail domain, update the domain information, and in Cost, update the cost information.

NNTP requires that the Internet Newsgroups folder appears in English

In Exchange Server 5.5, you can localize the Internet Newsgroups folder to the language of the server, such as French. However, with Exchange 2000, the folder must appear in English to allow Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) access to these folders. After upgrading an Exchange Server 5.5 computer to Exchange 2000, you must rename the Internet Newsgroups folder so that it appears in English.

Update ActiveSync for Pocket PCs and handheld PCs running Windows before attempting to synchronize a user's Inbox to these devices with Exchange 2000

You must download the ActiveSync update for Pocket PCs and Handheld PCs running Windows from the following Microsoft Web site before synchronizing a user's Inbox with Exchange 2000:


Special characters are not supported in Organization and Administrative Group names

The name of an Exchange organization and its administrative groups cannot contain any one of the following special characters:
Unicode and double-byte character set (DBCS) strings are acceptable, as are embedded spaces (" ") and hyphens ("-"). Exchange 2000 Setup and Exchange System Administrator enforces these naming rules for new installations of Exchange 2000 and for upgrades from Exchange Server 5.5. If you are upgrading to Exchange 2000 and you have an organization or site name that contains these characters, change the display name of the affected object before running Exchange 2000 Setup. While not prevented in other object names, the use of special characters should be avoided whenever possible.

DomainPrep does not prompt for the Recipient Update Server

By default, when running DomainPrep, the first Exchange 2000 server installed in the domain is the Recipient Update Server.

Planning and Installation Guide is incomplete

Installation information in Exchange 2000 Server Planning & Installation Guide does not contain the most complete and current information. Do not make this chapter your only resource when installing Exchange 2000 in your organization. For the most current installation and upgrade information, see the Exchange Up-To-Date Web page, available at the following Microsoft Web site:

Configuring Windows 2000 Domain Controller and Global Catalog to support international clients

For Exchange Server to support multilingual Outlook clients, you have to make sure that two things are done. First, the Windows 2000 server where the global catalog is installed must have language support installed. To install language support, in the Regional Options control panel, click the General tab, and then under Language settings for your system, select the languages that you want to support.

To support multilingual Outlook clients, you must also add a registry key to support international sorting in Active Directory for MAPI clients. By default, Active Directory will only support English sort orders. A sort order can be added by adding the locale ID values to a registry key on the Windows 2000 server where the global catalog is installed.

To set the registry key on the server, do the following:
  1. ClickStart, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  2. Expand the following subkey:
  3. Right-click Language, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
  4. Type a name for the string, and then press ENTER.
  5. Right-click the string value that you just created, and then click Modify.
  6. In theValue data box, type the value of the locale ID that you want to support, and then click OK.
  7. Quit Registry Editor.

Differences between Standard and Enterprise editions

For standard editions of Exchange 2000, storage is limited to 16 gigabytes (GB) per mailbox store, but storage is unlimited on application stores. Standard editions support one mailbox store, but multiple application stores are supported. Servers running the standard edition cannot be front-end servers. However, they can be back-end servers.

Modifications that are required if the server has more than 1 gigabyte of physical RAM

Exchange 2000 requires that you take some manual steps if the server has over 1 gigabyte (GB) of physical RAM. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
266096� XGEN: Exchange 2000 requires /3GB switch with more than 1 gigabyte of physical RAM

Global Character Set is based on the language of the first Exchange Server installed

The default Internet Message format character set is based on the language of the first Exchange 2000 server installed. For example, if you install a Japanese version of Exchange 2000 on a server running an English version of Windows 2000, the default Internet Message format character set will be Japanese. If you want your default character set for Internet messages to be different, you must change it manually.

To change the default character set manually, do the following:
  1. In Exchange System Manager, double-click Global Settings.
  2. Click Internet Message Formats, right-click Default, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Message Format tab, under Character sets, in MIME and NonMIME, select the character sets that you want.

Default Offline Address Book is displayed in the language of the first Exchange server installed

In multinational organizations with multiple language servers, the default offline address book will be displayed only in the language of the first Exchange 2000 server installed.

Default Character Sets used for POP3 and IMAP4 virtual servers are the same as the server language

For the POP3 and IMAP4 virtual servers, the default character set is the same as the default language setting used by the Exchange server. If you are installing a version of Exchange 2000 that uses a different language than the language used by Windows 2000, the default character set will be based on the Exchange language and not on the Windows 2000 language. You can change the default character set for POP3 and IMAP4 servers manually. See the Exchange 2000 Server documentation for information about how to change the character sets.

Exchange Server 5.5 Internet Mail Service may need post-Service Pack 3 Hotfix

If you are using Exchange Server 5.5 Internet Mail Service to send mail outside of your Exchange organization, you may need to apply a hotfix later than Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 3 to those servers. The hotfix corrects a problem with mail sent from Exchange 2000 to a distribution list that contains a contact that is an external SMTP address and is delivered through an Exchange Server 5.5 Internet Mail Service. In these cases, the external SMTP recipient address can be stripped from the mail. If this scenario applies to your environment, contact Microsoft Product Support Services for the hotfix in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
265138� XFOR: Exchange Server 5.5 users in distribution list do not receive message addressed to that distribution list

Create the Exchsrvr Folder on a volume with enough space to store the SMTP Queue folder and message tracking logs

The SMTP queue folder and the Message Tracking log folder are created beneath the Exchsrvr folder during setup. We recommend that during setup you create the Exchsrvr folder on a volume, preferably a RAID array, that can handle the disk throughput of the SMTP queue and the Message Tracking log. There is no automated way to move either of these folders after Setup has completed.


Creating Mailbox Folders in other languages during migration

When you migrate users to Exchange 2000, the default folders that are created by Exchange are in the language equivalent to the user locale ID set on the Windows 2000 Server or the Windows 2000 Professional that is used for migration. To change the default locale ID, open the Regional Settings control panel. On the General tab, in Settings for the current user, in Your locale, change the locale settings for the current user.

Active Directory replication delays and using Migration Wizard

Migration Wizard updates accounts in Active Directory or creates new accounts. The wizard also migrates e-mail into new Exchange 2000 mailboxes. IFor mail to be migrated into a new Exchange 2000 mailbox, the Exchange 2000 server must be able to access e-mail information in the account that is created or that is updated by Migration Wizard. If the Exchange 2000 server used an Active Directory domain controller that has not yet been updated with the recipient account changes made by Migration Wizard, the mailbox can not be accessed and mail cannot be migrated. To fix this problem, run Migration Wizard once, only migrate directory information, and then wait for directory replication to complete. Replication can be validated by attempting to access migrated accounts with a MAPI client such as Microsoft Outlook. After the account information has replicated to Active Directory and the accounts can be accessed, run Migration Wizard a second time to migrate messaging information.

Must rename Lotus cc:Mail version 8.5 Import.exe and Export.exe Files before migration

Before you migrate from Lotus cc:Mail version 8.5, you must copy the cc:Mail Import32.exe and Export32.exe files to the Exchsrvr\Bin folder, or to the folder where you have installed Migration Wizard. Then, you must rename Import32.exe to Import.exe, and rename Export32.exe to Export.exe. Then, copy the following files to the Exchsrvr\Bin folder: Cfw803.dll, Ciw803.dll, CDMW800.dll, and Mew803.dll.

Novell GroupWise 5.x Migration requires additional client configuration

To migrate from GroupWise 5.x to Exchange 2000, you must install the GroupWise 5.x client on the Exchange 2000 server that performs the migration. Migration Wizard uses the GroupWise client to access message items in GroupWise. When the client is installed, an e-mail profile called Novell Default Settings is created, and the profile automatically adds Microsoft Exchange Server as one of its information services. Because of this, the client prompts you for an Exchange logon for each migrating user. This halts migration. To prevent this, you must remove the Microsoft Exchange Server service from the e-mail profile used by GroupWise.

To remove the service, do the following:
  1. Run the GroupWise client.
  2. In Address Book, click File, and then click Services.
  3. Remove Exchange Server from the list of installed services.

Migrating from Microsoft Mail for PC Networks

During installation of Exchange 2000, the correct Msfs32.dll file for the language version that you are installing is copied to the Winnt\System32 folder. However, Microsoft Mail migration supports more than the six languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and English) that Exchange 2000 is translated into. To migrate from a Microsoft Mail Post Office in languages other than the ones that are supported by Exchange 2000, you must have appropriate language version of Msfs32.dll in Winnt\System32 folder.

To fix this conflict, do the following:
  1. Temporarily rename the existing Msfs32.dll file on your server in the Winnt\System32 folder to something similar to Msfs32.tem.
  2. Manually copy the Msfs32.dll file for the appropriate language from the Migrate\Msmail folder that is located on CD, to the Winnt\System32 folder that is located on your server.
  3. After performing migration, delete the Msfs32.dll file from the Winnt\System32 folder on your server.
  4. Rename the temporary file, Msfs32.tem, to Msfs32.dll in the Winnt\System32 folder on your server.

Migrating disabled Windows 2000 accounts

If the Migration Wizard matches a mailbox that you are migrating to a disabled Windows account, or you manually match a mailbox to a disabled account, Migration Wizard will create a mailbox for that account. However, Migration Wizard may not import mail into the newly created mailbox. To fix this problem, temporarily enable only the accounts that Migration Wizard did not import mail for. After enabling only the necessary accounts, allow enough time for the changes to be replicated before running Migration Wizard again. When the changes have replicated, run Migration Wizard again to import mail into the accounts.

Outlook Web Access

Outlook Web Access uses IIS to enable password changes

To allow users to change Outlook Web Access passwords through Internet Information Services (IIS), perform the following steps on each IIS server that Exchange users are redirected to:
  1. Install and configure SSL on the server.
  2. Click Run, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then select Internet Services Manager.
  3. Right-click the default Web site, point to New, and then select Virtual Directory.
  4. In Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, in Alias, type IISADMPWD, and then click Next.
  5. In Directory, type default drive\:winnt\system32\inetsrv\iisadmpwd, and then click Next.
  6. Verify that only the Read and Run scripts (such as ASP) check boxes are selected, click Next, and then click Finish.

Public Folders must exist on an Exchange 2000 Server

To access public folders with Outlook Web Access, a replica of each folder must exist on an Exchange 2000 server. Unless Outlook Web Access is accessed through an Exchange 2000 front-end server, the Outlook Web Access user's Default public store setting should be set to an Exchange 2000 server.

Mailboxes must have SMTP e-mail addresses that conform to the Default Recipient Policy

An upgraded or moved user may not have an SMTP e-mail address that matches the Default Recipient Policy. For a user to access their mailbox using Outlook Web Access or Web Folders, an SMTP e-mail address matching the Default Recipient Policy must be added to the user object. To add an SMTP e-mail address to the user object, start the Active Directory Users and Computers Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in, open the relevant user's properties, select the E-mail Addresses tab, select the SMTP address, and then click the Edit button. Then, verify that the SMTP address matches the SMTP address in the Default Recipient Policy.

Non-ASCII attachment names may be incorrect when downloaded

Because of inherent limitations in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) version 1.1 implementation of the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) standard, double-byte characters in file attachment names may appear incorrectly when downloaded.

Digest authentication is not supported for Outlook Web Access

Even though it is an option in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Administrator MMC snap-in, Digest Authentication is not supported for Outlook Web Access.

Internet Explorer 5.0 Issues with extended characters

Combinations of certain characters can cause the corruption of non-ASCII characters when replying to or forwarding messages with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0. This issue is fixed in Internet Explorer 5.01. Internet Explorer 5.01 can be downloaded from the following Microsoft Web site:

Message body blank in S/MIME encrypted or signed messages

Outlook Web Access does not support reading messages that were Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) encrypted or opaque-signed by the sender. The body of these messages will appear blank. When replying to or forwarding an S/MIME clear-signed message, the body of the message will not appear in the sent item.

Do not set default document on mailbox root

Setting DAV:defaultdocument on the root of a user's mailbox prevents many Outlook Web Access features from functioning correctly, such as User Options and Find Names.

Outlook Web Access does not require Office CD

If you install the multimedia extensions for Outlook Web Access, and do not install HTML Source Edit when you install Microsoft Office 2000, the first time you use Outlook Web Access the Office 2000 installer program will prompt you to insert the Office 2000 CD. However, you do not need to do this. Outlook Web Access and Office 2000 will work correctly. To close the installer, click Cancel.

Calendar views do not print correctly

Daily, weekly, and monthly calendar views do not appear correctly when printed from Outlook Web Access.

Running Exchange Server 5.5 Outlook Web Access in a mixed environment

To use an Exchange Server 5.5 Outlook Web Access stand-alone server with an Exchange 2000 back-end server, the Exchange Server 5.5 Outlook Web Access server must be updated to Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. For more information, see the following Microsoft Web site:

Missing inline images when replying or forwarding mail with Internet Explorer 5.0 on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0.

When replying to or forwarding e-mail with Internet Explorer 5.0 running on Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0, images in the body of the message will not load. However, the image will show up correctly in the message after it is delivered to the recipient's Inbox. This issue does not occur with Windows 2000 Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer 5.0 issues with Spanish, Czech, Slovak, and Vietnamese language clients

Internet Explorer 5.0 uses the locale of the client computer for several features. If Internet Explorer 5.0 is used for Outlook Web Access by clients with Spanish (Spain) - Traditional Sort, Czech, Slovak, and Vietnamese locales, errors will occur when moving and copying messages, as well as when checking attendee availability in Schedule+ Free/Busy. The Spanish (Spain) - International Sort locale does not exhibit this issue. To fix this problem you can change client locales, or go to the following Microsoft Web site and download version 2.6 of the Microsoft XML parser. The parser is included in the Microsoft Data Access Components package. If this does not resolve the issue, contact Microsoft Exchange Product Support Services for updates related to this issue.

To change client locales, do the following:
  1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Regional Settings.
  3. On the General tab, in Your locale, select any locale except Spanish (Spain, Traditional Sort), Czech, Slovak, or Vietnamese.

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Keywords: KB277844, kbinfo

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Article Info
Article ID : 277844
Revision : 13
Created on : 10/28/2006
Published on : 10/28/2006
Exists online : False
Views : 529