When you create a formula that contains a function, a ScreenTip appears to help you type worksheet functions.
When you type a function (such as WEEKDAY or VLOOKUP), and then you rest the mouse on the first argument in the ScreenTip, the pointer becomes a hand, indicating that the argument is a hyperlink. However, when you click the hyperlink, nothing happens.
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To work around this issue, finish typing your formula. After you complete the formula, double-click the cell containing the formula.
When the ScreenTip appears, click any function or argument name in the ScreenTip, and Excel displays information about the function arguments.
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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.
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Using Function Argument ScreenTip, Excel 2002 displays information about function arguments as you build a new formula. The ScreenTips also provide a quick path to Help. Click the function name within the ScreenTip, and the Help topic appears.
Rest the mouse on an argument within the ScreenTip, and a hyperlink appears. Click the hyperlink, and Excel highlights that specific argument within your formula.
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