Assume that you use Outlook Anywhere to connect to a Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox from an internal or external network. In this situation, the internal host name of Outlook Anywhere is always displayed as the proxy server for Exchange in the Microsoft Exchange Proxy Settings dialog box in Microsoft Outlook. Additionally, the Internal Authentication settings are always displayed in the Exchange Proxy Settings dialog box.
For example, you configure the Outlook Anywhere settings in Exchange Server. The external host name is set to "" and the internal host name is set to ""
However, the Microsoft Exchange Proxy Settings dialog box in Outlook always displays the internal host name as the proxy server, even if you connect from an external network.
For example, you configure the Outlook Anywhere settings in Exchange Server. The external host name is set to "" and the internal host name is set to ""
However, the Microsoft Exchange Proxy Settings dialog box in Outlook always displays the internal host name as the proxy server, even if you connect from an external network.