To create a new company in an existing application Database, follow these steps:
1 - Log on to an existing company that is in the application database that you want to add your new company to in Microsoft Dynamics SL.
2 - Open the Company Setup (13.250.00) screen under the Multi-Company module:
Click Foundation. Then, in the Foundation details pane, click Company Setup under Multi-Company Maintenance.
3 - Specify the following values on a new line:
Company ID: The company ID
Company Name: The company name
Database Name: This will default to the database that you are currently logged into.
Active check box: Make sure that this is checked.
Master Chart of Accounts: Will default in based on the database that you are logged into
Master Subaccount Table: Will default in based on the database that you are logged into
Address 1: Enter Address line 1
Address 2: Enter Address line 2
City: The City
State: The state
Country/Region: The country or the region
Zip: The ZIP Code/Postal Code or the postal code
Phone: The telephone number
Fax: The fax number
Base Currency ID: This will default in based on the application database that you are logged into.
Employer tax ID: The employer tax id.
4 - Click Save and close the Company Setup (13.250.00) screen.
5 - Sign In To the new company in Microsoft Dynamics SL.