When you append a new line of text to an item's Text property and use a carriage return (CR) and/or line feed (LF) to force them to separate lines, the Text property ignores the CR and LF.
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The Exchange store's Rich Text Format (RTF) synchronization routine groups the existing and appended text in an attempt to preserve any RTF formatting of the existing text. When checking for the existing text, it ignores changes that are white space only; for example, additional line wrapping. In this case, the CR/LF pair is recognized as a part of the existing text, and only the text that follows it is considered to be appended.
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The workaround is to remove the item's CdoPR_RTF_COMPRESSED property before appending to the Text property, as illustrated by the following Visual Basic code:
With objMyAppt
'Delete the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED property so that
'RTF synchronization does not take place.
.Text = .Text & vbCrLf & "(Line 2) Drive safely!"
End With
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Steps to Reproduce Behavior
'NOTE: Assumes your project includes a reference to
' "Microsoft CDO 1.21 Library".
Dim objSession As MAPI.Session
Dim objCalendar As MAPI.Folder
Dim objMyAppt As MAPI.AppointmentItem
Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
Set objCalendar = objSession.GetDefaultFolder(CdoDefaultFolderCalendar)
Set objMyAppt = objCalendar.Messages.Add
With objMyAppt
'Add the first line.
.Subject = "Test appointment"
.Location = "Downtown"
.Text = "(Line 1) Go for a drive."
MsgBox Prompt:=.Text, Title:="Before updating"
'Add the second line.
.Subject = "Updated test appointment"
.Text = .Text & vbCrLf & "(Line 2) Drive safely!"
MsgBox Prompt:=.Text, Title:="After updating"
End With
'Log off and clean up.
Set objMyAppt = Nothing
Set objCalendar = Nothing
Set objSession = Nothing
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