- You configure to use the Portuguese (Brasil) dictionary to check the spelling in Outlook Web Access (OWA) in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) environment.
- You write an email message in OWA and then check the spelling.
For example, the spelling checker�s suggestions for the words "aguentar", "consequencia" and "cinquenta" are "ag�entar", "conseq��ncia", and "cinq�enta". However, according to the new rules, only "consequencia" should be marked incorrect and suggest "consequ�ncia".
- The issue that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section also occurs in Exchange Server 2007 prior to SP3.
- Based on a decree of the Brazilian government, Brazil will change the Portuguese spelling rules. Between Jan 1 2009 and Dec 31 2012, there is a transition period where both rules are being accepted. After this period, the new rules will be enforced.