When SCHANNEL is used to authenticate a server during an
HTTPS session, the server presents a certificate. This certificate has a common
name that is compared against the server name extracted from the remote
resource request. For example, if you point your browser to
https://www.e-commerce.example.com/, SCHANNEL ensures that the server presents
a certificate with the common name www.e-commerce.example.com; otherwise it
informs the application that the server authentication failed.
variation on this certificate-matching scheme has been documented in RFC 2595
and draft RFC specs for other protocols. This functionality allows the server
certificate to have a wildcard (*) in the common name (CN). With the wildcard,
you may have a single certificate (or only one CN in the certificate) installed
on a group of servers with somewhat similar names. The implementation is
designed so that multiple servers are given duplicates of the same
wildcarded certificate that authenticates a set of servers. For instance, a
company may have three SSL e-commerce servers with the following names:
For this example, the company may buy a single certificate
containing the name *.e-commerce.example.com.
The following are
some examples of how wildcards should and should not be used for maximum
Accepted wildcard examples
- www.example.com matches www.example.com
- *.example.com matches www.example.com
- w*.example.com matches www.example.com
- ww*.example.com matches www.example.com
Www.Example.com matches www.examPle.cOm
Nonaccepted wildcard examples
- *www.example.com
- *w.example.com
- w*w.example.com
- *ww.example.com does not match www.example.com
www.e*ample.com does not match www.example.com
www.*ample.com does not match www.example.com
www.ex*.com does not match www.example.com
www.*.com does not match www.example.com
example.com does not match *.com does not match www.example.com
- www.example.abc.com does not match *.abc.com
example.com does not match *.*
example does not match *
abc.def.example.com does not match a*.d*.example.com
www.example.com.au does not match *.*.com.au
www.example.com.au does not match www.*.com.au