When determining whether the data type of a column in a text file is Currency, Microsoft Jet checks to see if there are characters that are not allowed in the Currency format. If there are none, it assumes that the data type is Currency. However, a column with a single character, such as the letter "F," can be considered a Currency column because this character is allowed in the Currency format. The fix causes a more extensive check to be made.
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
Using Microsoft Notepad, create a text file with the following data, and save it as: C:\TEST.TXT:
In Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 or 6.0, create a Standard EXE project.
On the Project menu, select References, and make a reference to the following type library:
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Add a Command button and the following code to the default form:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim db As dao.Database, td As dao.TableDef, F As dao.Field
Set db = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase("nwind.mdb")
db.Execute "SELECT * INTO Table1_CSV FROM [text;hdr=yes;database=c:\].[test#txt]", dbFailOnError
Set td = db!Table1_CSV
Set F = td.Fields(1)
Debug.Print F.Name & ": " & F.Type, "Text: " & dao.dbText, "Currency: " & dao.dbCurrency
Set F = Nothing
Set td = Nothing
db.Execute "DROP TABLE Table1_CSV", dbFailOnError
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Run the code and click the Command button. In the Immediate window, you see the following output if you are using Microsoft Jet 4.0 SP3 or earlier showing that the Gender field was treated as if it contained Currency data:
Gender: 5 Text: 10 Currency: 5
If you have Microsoft Jet 4.0 SP4 or later, the output appears as follows, showing it was correctly interpreted as a text column:
Gender: 10 Text: 10 Currency: 5
NOTE: This problem manifests using any Jet access method, including the Microsoft Access ODBC driver, the Microsoft Jet OLDB provider, and the Microsoft Access TransferText macro command. The Access 2000 Import Wizard does not exhibit the problem because it makes a Schema.ini file and sets the data type to Text.