Issues that this update resolves
This update resolves the following issues.
Issue 1
Consider the following scenario:
- You install the .NET Framework on a computer.
- You run a .NET Framework-based application. The .NET Framework version of the application differs from the version of the .NET Framework that is installed on the computer.
- You receive a message that states that the required .NET Framework version is not installed and that you can download the required version by using the provided download information.
- The download information lets you open a website that contains all the .NET Framework versions.
In this scenario, you have to select the correct .NET Framework version to download on the webpage.
After you apply this update, you are directed to a webpage that is a specific to the required .NET Framework version.
Issue 2
When the .NET Framework 4 Just-In-Time (JIT)-compiler uses an optimized method to generate assembly code, certain input patterns might crash or malfunction the application.
Issue 3
Consider the following scenario:
- You install the .NET Framework 4 on a computer. The computer has a low amount of available memory.
- You use the AppDomain resource-monitoring feature of the .NET Framework 4 to create an AppDomain for a .NET Framework 4-based application.
- You run the application.
In this scenario, the application may malfunction or crash.
Issue 4
When you use the minidump-debugging features of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 on a computer that is running the .NET Framework 4, you might be unable to debug a minidump file. Additionally, the stack trace is unavailable for the file.
Issue 5
Consider this scenario:
- You run a .NET Framework 4-based application.
- You have a dump file that contains the contents of memory for the running process and that lacks some specific parts of memory. These parts of memory are usually collected.
- You use Visual Studio 2010 to load the dump file to view the stack of a thread.
In this scenario, the dump reader displays the stack and the managed frames incorrectly.
Note This issue occurs even when the parts of memory that the dump file lacks are not required to display the stack.
Issue 6
The new Rupee symbol is not displayed when you run a Microsoft .NET Framework 4-based application to obtain the symbol if the user locale is not set to an Indian locale.
Issue 7
Consider the following scenario:
- You add cookies to a response for an ASP.NET-based website.
- The response has a set-cookie header for a static resource. The response might be kernel cached.
- A user of the website requests the static resource.
In this scenario, the user might incorrectly obtain a cookie that is created for another user directly from the kernel cache.
Issue 8
SymptomsThe Configure Data Source wizard does not test a query that is created for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0 in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
CauseThis issue occurs because the Configure Data Source wizard cannot test the query that it creates for SQL Server Compact 4.0 in Visual Studio 2010.
Issue 9
The Bing crawler has updated its user agent from
Msnbot to
Bingbot in October 2010. After you install this update, ASP.NET bowser capabilities for both
Bingbot and
Msnbot work correctly.
Issue 10
Consider the following scenario:
- You run Internet Information Services (IIS) on a computer. A customized private byte limit for IIS is not set.
Note The default private byte limit is set by using a 0 value. - IIS calculates an AutoPrivateBytesLimit limit for Cache Manager to trim the cache to prevent the worker process from recycling.
In this scenario, you encounter one of the following issues:
- If the computer runs a WOW64process, the default limit is set to a value that is lower than the design value.
- If the computer runs an x64 process, the default limit is set to a much higher value than the optimal value. Therefore, the cache is not often trimmed.
Issue 11
System.Runtime.MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor class in an ASP.NET application generates an exception when the
InitDisposableMembers method of the application calls the
MemoryCache.CreateMemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor method.
Note The
System.Runtime.MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor class internally uses a
DateTimeOffset field.
CauseThis issue occurs because the
System.Runtime.MemoryCacheEntryChangeMonitor class initializes the
lastModified field to the
DateTime.MinValue field. Therefore, applications cannot use the
MemoryCache class.
Note For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
2346777 FIX: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception when you run a .NET Framework 4-based application that uses the MemoryCache.CreateCacheEntryChangeMonitor method
Issue 12
When the ASP.NET
UpdatePanel control class constructs the postback arguments, the following issues occur:
- JavaScript code does not handle the new input types of HTML5 specifications.
- Some input values of HTML5 specifications are ignored and excluded.
UpdatePanel control class uses the JavaScript code to constructs the postback arguments that handle partial postback operations. The JavaScript code handles only known input types of HTML4 specifications and ignores other input types. However, HTML5 specifications introduce some new input types for input elements. Therefore, this issue occurs when you run JavaScript code in a browser that supports some input values of HTML5 specifications.
Issue 13
Some ASP.NET 4.0 features encounter issues when these feature process HTML5 code. These features were designed in ASP.NET 4.0 to support only HTML4 specifications.
After you apply this update, the following features are updated to support HTML5 input types in ASP.NET 4.0:
- UpdatePanel
- Web form Callbacks
- Client-side validation
Issue 14
Consider the following scenario:
- You use the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server (SqlClient) to connect to an instance of Microsoft SQL Azure or of Microsoft SQL Server.
- An established connection is removed from the connection pool.
- The first request is sent to the server.
In this scenario, an instance of
SqlException is encountered, and you receive the following error message:
A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server.