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OEM Support Tools Phase 3 Service Release 2 Availability

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Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Support Tools are troubleshooting and development tools provided for Windows NT 4.0-based and Windows 2000-based computers. These tools extend the functionality of existing debugging tools such as a kernel debugger, provide new features upon which new debugging methodologies can be based, and provide development support. This article provides information about these tools, and how to install them.

NOTE: OEM Support Tools Phase 2 Service Release 2 is also available for the following set of users:
  • Phase 2 tools (any tools) users working on Windows NT 3.51 on x86 platform (Phase 3 no longer supports Windows NT 3.51)
  • Phase 2 tools (any tools) users working on Windows NT 4.0 on Alpha platform (Phase 3 no longer supports Windows NT 4.0 on Alpha)
  • Phase 2 Pool Enhancements users working on Windows NT 4.0 on x86 platform (Pool Enhancements were retired in Phase 3)
For additional information about OEM Support Tools Phase 2 Service Release 2, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
254096 OEM Support Tools Phase 2 Service Release 2 Availability
  • OEM Support Tools Phase 3 Service Release 2 was released on June 23, 2000.
  • OEM Support Tools Phase 3 Service Release 1 was released on April 25, 2000.
  • OEM Support Tools Phase 3 Service Release 0 was released in February 2000.

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More information

The third-party products that are discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

The following OEM Support Tools are available:

Kernel Debugger Extensions

NOTE: No changes were made to this tool between Phase 3 SR0 and Phase 3 SR2.

A set of debugger extensions that can assist you in the examination and analysis of a wider range of kernel data structures, especially when dealing with crash dumps.

Kernel Memory Space Analyzer

NOTE: This tool was updated in Phase 3 SR2. Please see Starthere.htm for more information. Starthere.htm is available when you unzip the Phase 3 SR2 package per the instructions below.

A heuristics-based kernel memory crash dump analysis tool which is delivered with several different "personalities":

Personality 1

Aid to an expert debugger, by identifying and inspecting a broad range of kernel space data items and the relationships among them, and exposing this information through an interactive command-line interface.

Personality 2

Identification and analysis of problems based on stop codes, anomalous conditions detected in kernel space, with results presented to the end-user.

Personality 3

Similar to personality 2, except that it includes the ability to use and update information about previously seen crashes in a central database.

User Mode Process Dump

NOTE: This tool was updated in Phase 3 SR2. Please see Starthere.htm for more information. Starthere.htm is available when you unzip the Phase 3 SR2 package per the instructions below.

A tool that permits users to create Dr. Watson-compatible User.dmp files of any running Win32 process, such as Csrss.exe or Explorer.exe, without invading or debugging them, and without terminating them when debugging is complete. This tool permits manual creation of dump files via the command line or a hot-key, or automatic creation when exceptions occur in monitored processes. The ability to create an on-the-fly "snapshot" dump of a process would permit someone to debug the problem off-line using a Windows debugger.

Kernel Mode to User Mode Process Dump Extraction Utility

NOTE: No changes were made to this tool between Phase 3 SR0 and Phase 3 SR2.

A tool used to extract information from a kernel mode crash dump file about the processes that existed at the time of the crash, and generate user mode process dump files for these processes which can be then debugged by a Windows debugger.

Windows NT File System (NTFS) File Sector Information Utility

NOTE: No changes were made to this tool between Phase 3 SR0 and Phase 3 SR2.

A tool used to dump information about an NTFS volume, and determine which volume and file contains a particular sector.

Driver Verifier and System Information Application Programming Interface (API) Wrapper

NOTE: No changes were made to this tool between Phase 3 SR0 and Phase 3 SR2.

A .dll file containing wrappers for various functions that are only available via the NtQuerySystemInformation API, and other miscellaneous functionality.

To install the OEM Support Tools:

  1. The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:
    For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
    Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help to prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.
  2. Click Save this program to disk, and then use the WinZip.exe tool to unzip the files to your computer.
  3. Read the Starthere.htm file. This document contains release notes and links to tool specifications including architecture, programmer references, setup, and usage information.
NOTE: Debug symbol files are required by an administrator to do both kernel and user mode debugging, providing a method to resolve global variables and function names in the loaded executable file. Click the file name below to download the symbol file:

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Keywords: kb3rdparty, kbbug, kbdebug, kbgraphxlinkcritical, kbinfo, KB253066

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Article Info
Article ID : 253066
Revision : 6
Created on : 2/21/2007
Published on : 2/21/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 574