After you rename or delete a private information store (Priv.edb) within your Exchsrvr\Mdbdata folder, you may notice that link monitors that were set up to monitor that server no longer function properly. This happens if only the information store was shut down to do this.
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When starting the Exchange Server services, the system attendant attempts to log on to the information store to send and receive its own messages. If you stop your information store, rename, or delete your Priv.edb file, and then start the private information store by creating a new Priv.edb file, the system attendant still thinks that it is logged on to the old private information store.
To get the link monitor messages working again, you need to stop and restart the system attendant to log on to the new database that you created. When the next polling interval occurs, the system attendant replies properly, and the link monitor state indicates that the link is operational.
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