This problem is seen on account of the inability of Jet to handle the large precision of Oracle's NUMBER datatype. This is not a driver issue because no problem is encountered when using pass-through queries or any other non-Jet based ODBC application.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
NOTE: Use SQL *PLUS to run the following SQL Statements.
- Case 1: Problematic table creation
Create table MyNumTest1 (col1 number not null primary key, col2 varchar(10));
insert into MyNumTest1 values (1.234, 'MyTest');
insert into MyNumTest1 values (10.234, 'MyTest');
- Case 2: Using workaround syntax
Create table MyNumTest2 (col1 number(16,3) not null primary key, col2 varchar(10));
insert into MyNumTest1 values (1.234, 'MyTest');
insert into MyNumTest1 values (10.234, 'MyTest');
Once this is done, create an ODBC DSN (preferably a SYSTEM DSN) using the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle (version 2.573.4202) driver to connect to the Oracle server on which the above mentioned tables were created. Link these tables from Access 97 SR2 and Access 2000 using this DSN. #Delete entries are seen when opening the table MyNumTest1. No such problems are encountered with the other table.
The table definition has to be changed to get around this limitation of Jet 3x/4x with numbers of large precisions.