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How to uninstall Internet Explorer 9? - Microsoft Support

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This article introduces two methods on how to uninstall IE 9 RC\Beta.

This is a Step by Step article.

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Previously the Internet Explorer 9 Beta\RC (IE9 Beta\RC) was still in the test phase, it was unavoidable to appear some issues like it doesn't compatible with other software or the program itself has some defects, which caused some users found their normal work and study influenced after the installation of IE9 RC\Beta, and wanted to uninstall it. With the official release of Internet Explorer 9, its performance has been gradually stablized.

But if you still need to uninstall it, you can refer to the following methods to uninstall Internet Explorer 9.

Conventional method of uninstallation:

As IE9 exists in an update form, its corresponding item can't be found in "Control Panel ->Uninstall a program". In addition, after installing IE9, it won't generate a hidden folder in the system disk like IE7 or IE8, which means we can't find the uninstallation program of IE9 as before.�

So as to uninstall IE9, we can only use the method of uninstalling an update, i.e., finding the corresponding item in "View installed updates" list to perform the uninstallation. As the following pictures:

If the IE9 installed on your system is the official release, the display item in the update list will be Windows Internet Explorer 9;
If it is beta\candidate, it might appears to be Windows�Internet Explorer 9 Beta\Release Candidate.

Use command line to uninstall:

Some users find that the corresponding item of IE9 can't be found in "View installed updates", and can't uninstall IE9. If such problem occurs, it is likely that the intallation procudure was interrupted by other software and uninstallation information was not written correctly, or that after the installation of IE 9, third party cleanup tool once was used to perform cleanup towards the system, which caused relevant information having been removed. As such problem can't reproduce in regular computers, the real reason of this problem still can't be confirmed by now.�

In such scenario, we can use command line to try uninstalling IE9.
  1. Click "Start -> All programs -> Accessory", right click "Command Line Prompt", and choose "Run as administrator".

    If the User account control window pops up, please allow it to continue.

  2. Copy the following command:
    FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*9.*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart"

  3. After that, right click "Command Prompt" window, and select "paste". Then, press Enter to run this command.�

    Note: During the run procedure, an error such as 0x80040005 or 0x80070005 might be reported. We can click "OK" to ignore it.

    (Wait for a few minutes) When the run procedure of this command is finished:

  4. Please restart the computer. Open IE, check if IE9 has been successfully uninstalled or if it has restored to the original IE version.�

If it still can't be uninstalled, we can only use system restore function to restore the system to the time point prior to the installation of IE9, in order to try resolving this issue. (Change the view method of the Control Panel to "Large Icon", and then you can find the "System Recovery" option in "Recovery". )

If the system recovery function is not activated or the restore point is ineffective, you can still use Installation Disk to perform repair installation to the system to fix the issue.

If this cannot resolve your issue, you can browse the Forum for good solutions.

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Keywords: KB2509039, kbstepbystep

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Article Info
Article ID : 2509039
Revision : 6
Created on : 3/31/2012
Published on : 3/31/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 425