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Messages are not saved to drafts folder in Outlook

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Outlook can be configured to save unsent messages to a folder at specified intervals. If you are typing in the message for an extended period of time, this interval of time may elapse without the message being saved to the specified folder. However, when you stop typing, the message is saved to the specified folder within a few seconds.

NOTE: The default is to save unsent messages every 3 minutes to the Drafts folder.

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This behavior is by design. Microsoft Outlook needs some idle time to process the AutoSave feature.

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To work around this behavior, you can make use of the AutoRecover feature that is built into Microsoft Word by following these steps:
  1. Start Microsoft Word.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  3. Click the Save tab.
  4. Change the AutoRecover setting to 1 minute, or whatever length of time you want, and then click OK.
  5. Quit Microsoft Word.
  6. Start Microsoft Outlook.
  7. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  8. Click the Mail Format tab.
  9. Click to select the Use Microsoft Word to edit e-mail messages check box.
  10. Click OK.
Microsoft Outlook inherits the setting in Microsoft Word and saves unsent messages to the specified folder at the specified interval, even if you have been continuously typing through the time interval.

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Keywords: KB247813, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 247813
Revision : 8
Created on : 1/27/2007
Published on : 1/27/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 493