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"Send Time" time stamp information is incorrect when you send a delayed delivery message in Outlook

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When you use Microsoft Outlook to send a delayed message, the actual "Sent Time" time stamp information for that message is the compose time of the message and not the actual sent time. This is by design.�

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In the properties of a new email message, you can use the Do not deliver before�option to delay the delivery of a new message. This delay period can range from a minutes to several weeks. When the message is eventually delivered, the recipient still sees the time at which the message was�composed�by the client, and not the time the message actually left the Outbox.�

When Outlook is connected in Online mode to an Exchange Server mailbox, the messages are directly submitted to the Exchange mailbox. Therefore, the "Sent�Time" time stamp information for that message is the time�that the message was submitted to the mailbox on Exchange, not the actual�time that it was delivered to the recipient.
For additional information, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
174029 XCLN: Received Time Shows as None in Outlook Client
192125 XCON: Message Set for Delayed Delivery Sent at Wrong Time

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Keywords: KB247176, kbinfo, kbemail, kbsendmail

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Article Info
Article ID : 247176
Revision : 5
Created on : 9/22/2011
Published on : 9/22/2011
Exists online : False
Views : 797