An Introduction to Key Cryptography
Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) public key cryptography is widely used for authentication and encryption in the computer industry. Netscape has licensed RSA public key cryptography from RSA Data Security Inc. for use in its products, specifically for authentication.
Public key encryption is a technique that uses a pair of asymmetric keys for encryption and decryption. Each pair of keys consists of a public key and a private key. The public key is made public when it is distributed it widely. The private key is never distributed; it is always kept secret.
Data that is encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the
private key. Conversely, data that is encrypted with the private key can be
decrypted only with the public key. This asymmetry is the property that
makes public key cryptography so useful.
Using Public Key Cryptography for Authentication
Authentication is the process of verifying identity so that one entity can
be sure of the identity of another entity. In the following
examples, User A and User B use public key cryptography to
verify User B's identity. The following notation indicates that an item has been
encrypted or decrypted using key cryptography
something is a description of the item that has been encrypted or decrypted, and
key is the key that is used to encrypt or decrypt that item.
In the following example, User A wants to authenticate User B. User B has a pair of keys, one public
and one private. User B discloses the public key to User A (this is discussed in the "Handing Out Public Keys" section of this article). User A generates a random message and sends
it to User B as follows:
A->B random_message
User B uses the private key to encrypt the random message and returns the encrypted
version to User A:
B->A {random_message}User_B's_private_key
User A receives this message and decrypts it by using the public key that User B previously published. User A compares the decrypted message with the message that User A originally sent to User B; if the messages match, User A knows that the later message came from User B, because an imposter presumably would not know User B's private key and so would be unable to properly encrypt the random message to send to User A.
Additional Considerations
Unless you know exactly what you are encrypting, it is never a good idea to
encrypt something with your private key and then send it to someone else.
This is because you can be held responsible for the encrypted value (remember, only
you can perform the encryption because only you have the private key).
Because of this, in this example, instead of encrypting the original message that User A sent, User B constructs a message digest and encrypts that message digest. A message digest is derived
from the original random message and has the following useful properties:
- The digest is difficult to reverse. Someone who is trying to impersonate User B cannot determine the original message from the digest.
- An impersonator has difficulty finding a different message that computes to the same digest value.
User B is protected by using a digest. User B computes the digest of the
random message that User A sent, and then encrypts the result. User B sends the encrypted digest back to User A. User A can compute the same digest and
authenticate User B by decrypting User B's message and comparing the values.
Originating Data for Authentication
The technique described in the "Additional Considerations" section of this article is known as a digital signature. This technique requires that User B sign a message that User A generated; this is almost as dangerous for User B as encrypting a random value that originated with User A. Consequently, this example authentication protocol needs one more step to be secure; User B needs to originate some (or all) of the data as follows:
A->B B->A hello, are you User B? User A, This Is User B { digest[User A, This Is User B] } User_B's_private_key
When User B uses this protocol, User B knows what message is being sent to User A,
and so User B can safely sign the message. User B sends the unencrypted version of the
message first, "User A, This Is User B," and then User B sends the digested-encrypted
version. User A can easily verify that User B is User B, and User B does not need to
sign anything that did not originate with User B.
Handing Out Public Keys
How can a user hand out a public key in a secure manner? The following is an example authentication protocol for User B:
A->B B->A A->B B->A
hello Hi, I'm User B, User_B's_public_key prove it User A, This Is
User B { digest[User A, This Is User B] } User_B's_private_key
If this protocol is used, anyone can impersonate User B. All an imposter needs is a public and
private key. An imposter can lie to User A and impersonate User B by providing
the imposter's own public key instead of User B's public key. Then the imposter "proves" that the imposter is User B by encrypting something
by using the imposter's private key, and User A cannot tell that the imposter is not User B.
To solve this problem, the standards community has invented an object
called a certificate. A certificate contains the following information:
- The name of the certificate issuer.
- The entity for whom the certificate is being issued (also known as the subject).
- The public key of the subject.
- Some time stamps.
The certificate is signed by using the private key of the certificate issuer.
Everyone knows the public key of the certificate issuer (that is, the
certificate issuer also has a certificate). Certificates are a
standard method to bind a public key to a name.
If certificate technology is used, everyone can examine User B's
certificate to see if the certificate has been forged. If User B keeps tight
control of the private key, and User B actually obtains the
certificate, then the certificate technology is secure. The following is the amended protocol using this technique:
A->B B->A A->B B->A hello Hi, I'm User B, User_B's_certificate prove
it User A, This Is User B { digest[User A, This Is User B] } User_B's_private_key
When User A receives User B's first message, User A can examine the
certificate, check the signature (as in the previous example, by using a digest and public key
decryption), and then check the subject (that is, User B's name) and see that
it is indeed User B. User A can then trust that the public key is User B's public
key, and can request proof of User B's identity.
User B goes through the same
process as outlined in the previous example, by designing a message digest and then
responding to User A with a signed version of the digest. User A can verify User B's
message digest by using the public key from the certificate and
checking the result.
A person who may want to interfere with secure communications (in this example, User C) can create the following scenario to try to do so:
A->C C->A A->C C->A hello Hi, I'm User B, User_B's_certificate prove
it ????
However, User C cannot satisfy User A in the final message. User C does not have
User B's private key, so User C cannot construct a message that User A will believe
comes from User B.
Exchanging a Secret
After User A has authenticated User B, User A can send User B a message that only User B can decode as follows
A->B {secret}User_B's_public_key
where the only way to determine the
secret is by decrypting the above message with
User B's private key. Exchanging a secret is another powerful way to use
public key cryptography. Even if the communication between User A and User B is
observed, nobody but User B can determine the secret information.
This technique strengthens Internet security by using the secret as another
key, but in this case it is a key to a symmetric cryptographic algorithm, such
as Data Encryption Standard (DES), RC4, or IDEA. User A knows the secret because User A generated the secret
before sending it to User B. User B knows the secret because User B has the private
key and can decrypt User A's message. Because both User A and User B know the secret,
they can both start a symmetric cipher algorithm and then send messages that are encrypted with the symmetric cipher algorithm. The following is a revised protocol that uses this technique:
A->B B->A A->B B->A A->B B->A hello Hi, I'm User B, User_B's_certificate
prove it User A, This Is User B { digest[User A, This Is User B] } User_B's_private_key
ok User B, here is a secret {secret} User_B's_public_key {some_message}secret_key
The method that is used to compute
secret_key is up to the protocol that is being defined, but
can simply be a copy of the secret.
Security Interference
Even if all of the preceding techniques are used, a person who wants to interfere with secure communications (User C) may be able to do so. Although User C cannot discover the
secret that User A and User B have exchanged, User C can interfere with their
conversation by re-arranging (or garbling) the secret information. For example, if User C is sitting between
User A and User B, User C can pass most of the information back and forth
unchanged, but garble certain messages (this is easy for User C to do because User C knows
the protocol that User A and User B are using to communicate):
A->C C->B B->C C->A A->C C->B B->C C->A A->C C->B B->C C->A
hello hello Hi, I'm User B, User_B's_certificate Hi, I'm User B,
User_B's_certificate prove it prove it User A, This Is User B { digest[User A,
This Is User B] } User_B's_private_key User A, This Is User B { digest[User A, This Is
User B] } User_B's_private_key ok User B, here is a secret {secret} User_B's_public_key
ok User B, here is a secret {secret} User_B's_public_key {some_message}secret_key
Garble[ {some_message}secret_key ]
User C passes the data without modification until User A and User B
share a secret. Then User C garbles User B's message to
User A. At this point, User A trusts User B, so User A may believe the garbled message and try to act on it. Note that User C does not know the secret; all User C can do is damage the data that is encrypted with the secret key. Depending on the protocol, User C may not produce a valid message, but User C may get lucky and produce a valid message.
To prevent this kind of damage, User A and User B can introduce a message
authentication code into their protocol. A message authentication code is a piece of data that is computed by using a secret and some transmitted data. The digest algorithm described above has just the right properties for building a message authentication code function that can defend against User C:
message_authentication_code := digest[ some_message, secret ]
Because User C does not know the secret, User C cannot compute the correct value for the digest. Even if User C randomly garbles messages, the chance of
success is small if there is a large amount of digest data. For example, by using MD5 (a good cryptographic digest algorithm invented by RSA), User A and User B can
send 128-bit message authentication code values with their messages. The odds of User C guessing
the correct message authentication code are approximately 1 in 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. For all
practical purposes, User C cannot guess the correct message authentication code.
The following is the example protocol, revised again to use this technique:
A->B B->A A->B B->A hello Hi, I'm User B, User_B's_certificate prove
it User A, This Is User B { digest[User A, This Is User B] } User_B's_private_key ok
User B, here is a secret {secret} User_B's_public_key {some_message,message_authentication_code}secret_key
User C can attempt to garble messages, but the message authentication code
computations reveal that the messages do not come from User B. User A or User B can discover
the incorrect message authentication code value and stop communication. User C can no longer impersonate User B.