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FIX: The Data Form Wizard May Not Open an Access 2000 Database

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If you use the Visual Basic Data Form Wizard to open an Access 2000 database you may get the following error:
"Unrecognized Database Format '....\your_database_name.mdb'"

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The Visual Basic Data Form Wizard uses the Jet OLEDB 3.5 Provider which does not recognize the Access 2000 database format.

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Open the Access 2000 database through an ODBC DSN using the Access ODBC driver version 4.0.

-- Or --

Build your form manually using either the Jet OLEDB version 4.0 provider or an ODBC DSN through the Access ODBC driver version 4.0

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This is a problem with Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 3 and earlier versions. This problem has been fixed in Service Pack 4 for Visual Basic.

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More information

Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Start a new Visual Basic project.
  2. Add a new Form using the Visual Basic Data Form Wizard.
  3. Click Next in the Introduction dialog box.
  4. Choose Access in the Database Type dialog box.
  5. Point to Access 2000 in the Database dialog box.
  6. Click Next and you receive the error you saw in the Symptoms section.

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238401 "PRB: Unrecognized Database Format Error Upgrading to Access 2000"

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Article Info
Article ID : 242010
Revision : 3
Created on : 1/1/0001
Published on : 1/1/0001
Exists online : False
Views : 433